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eastern vs western front ww1

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The Western Front was a meandering 700-kilometre frontline, running from the North Sea coastline to the Swiss border and passing through (at various times) Belgium, north-eastern France and southern Germany. By the close of 1914 the German Army found itself facing it’s worst nightmare – a war on two fronts; facing the Allies in the West and the Russians in the East. Though by the end of August all of Poland had been occupied and 750,000 Russians had been taken prisoner in four months of fighting, the Central Powers had missed their opportunity to break Russia’s ability to carry on the war. Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Russia, Ottoman Empire, Serbia and several other Balkan States. Eastern Front Air Combat in the Big Picture of WWII. Africa was another front because of colonial possessions on that continent, and after Turkey entered the war on 1 November 1914, the Middle East became another theatre of war. An even worse military failure was the joint offensive launched by the Allies on Sept. 25, 1915. Germany was divided between the Eastern/Soviet section and the Western section. WW1 You have already examined some of the characteristics associated with the Eastern and Western Fronts including: The 1st Battle of the Marne (September 1914) Battle of Tannenburg (August 1914) Battle of the Somme (July 1, 1916) Stalemate on the Western Front (Trench deadlock) New technologies / weapons But what about the major differences that characterized the They were a formidable foe, but at the same time a very worrying ally. Following the successful Allied attack and penetration of the German defences at Cambrai, Ludendorff and Hindenburg determined that the only opportunity for German victory now lay in a decisive attack along the Western front during the spring, before American manpower became a significant presence. Events continued to spiral out of control, and after years of war and shortages, poor management and an ineffective monarchy, it is actually extraordinary that the revolution didn’t happen sooner. The French prolonged their effort until June 18, losing 102,000 men without securing any gain; the British, still short of shells against the Germans’ mass of machine guns, had suspended their attacks three weeks earlier. Code: 2. a Greek Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria and European Turkey; b Gallipoli (Dardanelles) Russia. In the 19 volumes that comprise this work each division has listed a monthly assignment showing higher … Repeated French attacks in February–March 1915 on the Germans’ trench barrier in Champagne won only 500 yards (460 metres) of ground at a cost of 50,000 men. WW1 on The Eastern Front-Where Wolves Attacked Soldiers. The war on the Western Front is very much alive in the Western consciousness, but what is so often forgotten is that it was actually a two-front war in Europe. While 27 French divisions with 850 heavy guns attacked on a front 18 miles long in Champagne, north and east of Reims, simultaneous blows were delivered in distant Artois by 14 French divisions with 420 heavy guns on a 12-mile front south of Lens and by six British divisions with only 117 guns at Loos north of Lens. Despite the inauspicious beginnings, the Russians did enjoy some success, particularly against Austria-Hungary in the fall of 1914. The interwar period in eastern Europe was a time of political unrest and global revolt in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution and World War I. The theatre of war was roughly delimited by the Baltic Sea in the west and Minsk in the east, and Saint Petersburg in the north and the Black Sea in the south, a distance of more than 1,600 kilometres (990 mi). It took weeks for the Russians to assemble a fighting force along the German and Austro-Hungarian borders. Falkenhayn then decided to pursue a new offensive. November 19, 1914: Revolving Door War on the Eastern Front. Poland lost 100,000 soldiers, 1.9 million civilians, 3 million Jews (91% of the entire Polish Jewish population). The geography of the war in the east was very different when compared to the west. Trench lines did not develop to fill the vast space. 4. This article provides an overview of the major battles which took place in Belgium and France from the autumn of 1914 to the 11 November Armistice of 1918. we need to examine what were the tactical and operational reasons for the devolution of warfare into stalemate. The Russians’ plans for 1915 prescribed the strengthening of their flanks in the north and in Galicia before driving westward again toward Silesia. The Eastern Front. Another significant and often remarked upon problem for the Russians was the personality of the men making the key decisions. The Russians held Mackensen at Brest-Litovsk and Hindenburg on the Narew River long enough to enable the main body of their troops to escape through the unclosed gap to the east. The Gorlice attack was launched on May 2 and achieved success beyond all expectation. World War I - World War I - Other fronts, 1915–16: The Caucasian front between Russia and Turkey comprised two battlegrounds: Armenia in the west, Azerbaijan in the east. This spread the fighting, placing a much larger burden on military supply chains than in the west, and making Russian transportation problems an even bigger issue as they began to have supply problems soon after war broke out. Eastern Front vs. Western Front World History 3201 October 2014 WW1 You have already examined some of the characteristics associated with the Eastern and Western Fronts including: The 1st Battle of the Marne (September 1914) Battle of Tannenburg (August 1914) Battle of the Somme (July 1, 1916) Stalemate on the Western Front (Trench deadlock) New technologies / weapons But what about the … With his very visible presence at the head of his army, Nicholas was exposed as ineffective and weak, and the Russian people had no choice but to blame him for the manifest failures of his strategy. To imagine this, think of a ditch deep enough to stand in zigzagging its way alongside the Hume Highway from Melbourne to Canberra. To imagine this, think of a ditch deep enough to stand in zigzagging its way alongside the Hume Highway from Melbourne to Canberra. Railroads had been a particular target, as the movement of troops to the front as quickly as possible was of paramount importance. The Russian Revolution, at least the first one, didn’t end the war. WW1 Operational Theatres of War 1914-1920. The First World War was one of the most widespread armed conflicts in the history of humanity. The first major engagement of the war was the Battle of Tannenberg, which was a resounding defeat for the Russians. Instead, they drew the superficial deduction that mere volume of shellfire was the key to reducing a trench line prior to an assault. Unfortunately, the HERO database is (Historical Evaluation and Research Organization) for the German Eastern Front in WW2 is less comprehensive than for the military performance to the Western Front. As with all wars, a great number of germans should have gone missing during the war in Russia. Wolves had attacked livestock and people in various areas. Tsar Nicholas was a weak and largely ineffective leader, and enjoyed far too much command authority for a person with limited military experience. As the Race to the Sea on the Western Front reached its climax at Ypres, to the east the … It was left to the Germans to profit from the experiment. Additionally, because the front line stretched over so large a territory, trench warfare, something that is so closely associated with the war in the west, was not a factor in the east. The Australian Imperial Force in Egypt was expanded to four divisions before being transferred to the Western Front, with a fifth division raised in Australia. The Eastern Front In WW1 was the fighting in what is today Poland,Ukraine,and parts of the Baltic States. On May 9, meanwhile, the Allies had launched yet another premature offensive, combining a major French onslaught between Lens and Arras with two thrusts by Haig’s 1st Army, from Festubert and from Fromelles, against the Aubers Ridge north of Lens. As a result, the war was much more mobile. Not until 1917 did they revert to the Neuve-Chapelle method. It took shape in late 1914, as fighting in northern France stalled and both sides attempted to outflank the other. But the Allied commands missed the true lesson, which was that a surprise attack could be successfully made immediately following a short bombardment that compensated for its brevity by its intensity. Everything. The Eastern Front in World War One is often largely unknown to many Westerners. The Eastern Front is best known for the multi-year Siege of Leningrad and the bloody Battle of Stalingrad, but it was also the site of the largest armored confrontation of all time. It was truly a staggering amount of men, millions upon millions of Russian troops, a “mass of bodies ready to bleed” in the words of one historian of the period. Extreme weather conditions played a crucial role in the Soviet victory. His two top commanders, Grand Duke Nicholas and Minister of War General Sukhomlinov, hated each other and constantly tried to undermine the other, often to the detriment of their command. To 31 st December 1915. The front in the east was much longer than that in the west. Mackensen was instructed to veer northward, so as to catch the Russian armies in the Warsaw salient between his forces and Hindenburg’s, which were to drive southeastward from East Prussia. I was doing some reading into my grandfather's journal and ran into an entry I found interesting. P. 302. The Eastern Front involved Russia and Austria-Hungary. The two obvious and interrelated causes are: 1. The Western Front, a 400-plus mile stretch of land weaving through France and Belgium from the Swiss border to the North Sea, was the decisive front during the First World War. World War I - World War I - The Western and Eastern fronts, 1915: Repeated French attacks in February–March 1915 on the Germans’ trench barrier in Champagne won only 500 yards (460 metres) of ground at a cost of 50,000 men. The fighting was the Germans and Austrians against the Russians (Serbs and Bulgarians fought on what was known as The Balkan Front;fighting between Turks and Russians was on what was known as the Caucasus Front). As a result, the war was much more mobile. He hoped that his presence would inspire both the troops and the command structure and turn the tide of the war. INSTANT ARTICLES; WORLD WAR I; Mar 1, 2019 Ruslan Budnik, Guest Author. 1. The Eastern Front or Eastern Theater of World War I (German: Ostfront; Romanian: Frontul de răsărit; Russian: Восточный фронт, romanized: Vostochny front) was a theater of operations that encompassed at its greatest extent the entire frontier between the Russian Empire and Romania on one side and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire and the German Empire on the other. In all, for a little ground, the Allies paid 242,000 men, against the defenders’ loss of 141,000. Eastern Front vs Western Front...a comparison. It was the main theatre of fighting in World War I and was the location of several major battles, including the Somme, Verdun and Passchendaele. This had a drastic effect on the nature of the warfare.While World War I on the Western Front developed into trench warfare, the battle lines on the Eastern Front were … Compounding the Tsar’s image problem was that he had left his wife in control in his absence. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > PzJgr Drill Instructor. This was not a recipe for success, and as the Russians continued to lose, blame was shifted around and around the command structure. WW1 You have already examined some of the characteristics associated with the Eastern and Western Fronts including: The 1st Battle of the Marne (September 1914) Battle of Tannenburg (August 1914) Battle of the Somme (July 1, 1916) Stalemate on the Western Front (Trench deadlock) New technologies / weapons But what about the major differences that … Late in April, 14 divisions, with 1,500 guns, were quietly concentrated for the stroke against the six Russian divisions present. Things were different on the Eastern Front. All rights reserved. Germany was not only fighting in the West against the French and British (and eventually the Americans), but also in … Trench lines did not develop to fill the vast space. Four additional divisions had just returned from combat in the east, but were in the process of resting and refitting. Alexsandr Kerensky, the leader of the Provisional Government, had the makings of a political genius, and it is one of the frustrating what-ifs of the Russian Revolution to wonder what he might have achieved, but he was intent on continuing to prosecute the war. In fact, it was fairly useless on the Eastern front. The Western Front was the name the Germans gave to a series of trenches that ran 700 kilometres from the Belgian coast to the Swiss border. The Eastern front was much larger and thus did not result in the trench warfare seen in the West. Russia began the war by invading eastern Germany. Their consequent delays enabled the Russian armies to retreat without breaking up entirely. In the years before the war, the Allies, especially France, had spent enormous sums of money trying to improve Russia’s technological capability. The Schlieffen Plan was designed to knock France out of the war … Britain and the 1920 Iraq Mandate: Signs of the British Empire’s Decline? While the war on the Western Front developed into trench warfare, the battle lines on the Eastern Front were much more fluid and trenches never truly developed. It was able to do so as Poland was not an independent country at this time meaning that Russia and Germany were contiguous. There was, at least, rotation in and out of the front lines, and as long as you weren't at teh front during an offensive, you'd do ok. Also a decent chance that you'd be rotated to some other theater or be manning a relatively quiet part of the line. Germany was not only fighting in the West against the French and British (and eventually the Americans), but also in the East against the Russian Empire. Here, Rebecca Fachner follows up on her articles on Royal Family squabbles, and the spark that caused war to break out. There was no need for trenches, as the armies had so much more room to maneuver. The Western Front was the name the Germans gave to a series of trenches that ran 700 kilometres from the Belgian coast to the Swiss border. Meanwhile, an Austrian attack eastward from Lutsk (Luck), begun later in September and continued into October, incurred heavy losses for no advantage at all. Mackensen was in command, with Hans von Seeckt, sponsor of the new tactic of infiltration, as his chief of staff. On the Eastern Front, as on the Western, the conflict dragged on for years, with neither side truly able to deliver a knock-out blow. Military operations of the First World War took place in seven theatres of war around the world. These codes were used by the British military for the compilation of records of service and medals. From National Geographic magazine, volume 31. Alphanumeric codes were assigned to each theatre and operational area within it. Therefore, if Russia could respond more quickly, and force Germany to divert troops in their direction earlier, so much the better for France. The outcome of the battles resulted in the formation of a battle front, which saw three years of attrition warfare in 1915, 1916 and 1917, with only a few months of mobile warfare at the start and at the end of four years of fighting. The gas did throw the agonized defenders into chaotic flight; but the German high command, having been disappointed by the new weapon’s performance under adverse conditions in Poland earlier in the year, had failed to provide adequate reserves to exploit its unforeseen success. b Italy; Balkans. (STALEMATE) Western Front Mud, lice and vermin created horrific conditions in trenches. The percentage of its population that perished was 18.5%. Eastern Front was so long that trench warfare was never really a problem. Eastern Front View the Eastern Front video (8 Mins) Western Front Shorter (700km) – Belgian coast in the north to Swiss border in the south Western Front Line of trenches stretched whole way with little movement for Allied and Central Powers. Code: 3. If you imagine trying to dig a bunch of trenches -- In Europe, the Western Front was in France and Belgium. Western Front, WW1. Also a stalemate happened because frontal attacks that happened failed and there were tons of casualties. German premier Adolf Hitler’s disastrous 1941 order to invade the vast Soviet Union mired Nazi Germany in a bloody, grinding… Has American Education been Watered Down? On the face of it, this was not as poor a decision as it turned out to be, and at least the Tsar’s heart was in the right place, so to speak. Alexandra careened from one disastrous policy to another, dismissing competent ministers and replacing them with self-serving yes men. Absolutely everything was different between Eastern and Western front. Having withdrawn many units for the German offensive on the Eastern Front in the summer of 1915, the Germans had only seven divisions and three brigades left in reserve across the entire Western Front. Notably, the entire German-Russian frontier, and northern Austrian-Russian frontier passed through those lands. Physical education in their home countries included gymnastics and sports such as athletics, swimming, and ball games, in particular football, rugby, and American football – the latter ball games were practiced mainly in the United Kingdom and the United States. This is not the only story of the First World War, however; the Eastern Front saw the realization of nearly all of the predictions about modern military conflict. The Anglo-French offensives hit the German army of the Western Front when it was at its weakest point. Unlike the entrenched western front, the eastern front was very fluid. 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