
10 April 2021 . Sem categoria

the habit of art monologue

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Genre: Comedic I’m still alive! I promise that it’s not really a big deal. See, the humans, they respect me. Obnoxious boy pauses a moment and then says, “Fine. Well, this is one of those moments. And after, you follow the river of job, money, family, mistakes, money, good stories, retirement money, money and then some more money, then you have grandkids and die. Shhhh. I’ll just tell everyone you eat your boogers.” In frustration, you offer him one, hoping no one else is witnessing the exchange. But forever…with just one person? I haven’t gone into the interview yet, you don’t need to call me every two minutes! First Place Winner! If I fail my chemistry test today, or spill Pepsi on my dress at prom, or flunk my first job interview, or anything else that can and will go wrong in the next week, the same rain that is soaking through my socks right now will carry on. Gender: Any I hear them talking about how inspirational her story is. He strode in a swarm of fireflies. It’s what I’ve been doing for 32 years. It’s not really as sad as it sounds. Even my little sister, who is only five. But if I only ate one slice of pizza, that’s only 300 calories. Hello! (Smirks at audience, winking flirtatiously.) I know you have a right to privacy and you don’t have to tell me anything. Description: An ice cream flavor is having an identity crisis. Alex looks at me and is all, “what ya scared?? You pushed me to be brave and to stand up for myself, and through it all, you were there. You know, heroin will give you everything, but you’ve got to be prepared to give everything to heroin…and I did. Birds are so much freer than any person I know. But…forever? The lights will be beaming in my eyes and my hands will start shaking like crazy. You’ve got the book, the film, the stage production and of course the merchandise. Sharing our time together, watching me in the shower, sitting with me on the toilette. I can’t even believe I just acted that out… Anyway, I’m the minor deity of lies and trickery. It feels wrong to Sadako. We’re only minor deities though so we aren’t that important but we still have to go to all the meetings. Why? Description: A casket finally finds a purpose. Can you hear me now? When he dropped out of the 1988 presidential race, it was after getting caught plagiarizing a monologue by the British Labour party leader, Neil Kinnock, on his coalminer roots. That little Americana – she must have perfect skin. Oh, I have to turn it off. I’m serious. He’s obsessed with colors and well, if you show up one day wearing a color he doesn’t like, that puts him in a foul mood all day. “Aren’t you that blonde girl who trashed the Bear’s house?” Listen, I hear it all the time. By: Payton V.P., Green Bay, Wisconsin, Age 17 Description: A terrified person is trapped in an elevator. I’ve been wanting to tell you about all this pain and numbness that I feel will never go away. It really does look good on the plate though. Listen up guys I can break into any house anywhere, anytime, take whatever I want, in and out ten minutes no prints no evidence nothing. Genre: Comedic I still have headaches, and I cannot hear in my left ear. All the water was drained away, and the gates were chained up. There were about ten, no, about twenty ferocious street cats staring me down. This man comes down the outside of the building every week to wash it. Oh, there’s that book I’m supposed to read for English class. I said. Maybe I’ll travel the kitchen, see the counter… visit the tower of pizza. They are telling their friend who wants to help what they feel and why they still; continue to use drugs. A big distraction for me is drawing. (Smiles at audience. Fire the boys! I wish I could sleep, I’m always tired in the morning, the nurses call me out for looking bleary. I deserved it, didn’t I? I did well enough in that college to earn a Green Card and a scholarship to Wesleyan University. I’m ready. World peace, world peace. Art imitating Life manifesting in Merch Bundle. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. It’s so embarrassing. Oh, you like her? I was the one who deserved his care. They don’t see the scales and claws that they show me. I’m taller than you, little hobbit.” Shut Up Colin! If he insists. Some of the kids pull on it, touch it, pat your hair, flood you with questions, and that’s just annoying. No! I finally had something good but then I went and destroyed it. Then when I got on the bus, I was going to tell Izumi, but he wasn’t on the bus. And I was the girl, who ignored her cries. The monsters who hide curled up in a beautiful skin. The sun is as hot as ever during these summer days. How can you be angry with her right now?… And “Our kind” what is that supposed to mean?! It sounds like a blow-torch. (Pause) I KNOW. We’re all innocent, I tell ya. Ha! I just try to have a little fun… but… I don’t know when to stop. Oh and you might want to change your driver’s license picture, your hair is almost as bad as your last name. When I broke up with Ricky, he spit on my new Mary Janes and then I blurted out that I hated disco. Why? Your father said if you want to run with the big dogs, you have to get off the porch. But, two weeks ago Mrs. Rolanda, my English teacher, announced that we were all going to write original monologues. It was me – I was the one who wasn’t ready. I don’t know what I ever found in that guy. He’d been talking to so many girls! First of all, I cleaned my room from top to bottom, and it’s so clean, you could eat off the floor! Good god woman! Genre: Comedic Use your head. “Strike two”; everyone cheers. I think you’d be freaking out too! A dozen, maybe? My age. Or maybe I would be at yet another early-morning practice, the kind where you moan and complain about the freezing water and your aching legs, but you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world. I don’t regret my choices. Everyone who ever loved me took a part of who I was. Tall and beautiful mountain of crystal-clear ice! Description: A utensil in a kitchen drawer has an identity crisis. Before I put him to bed, we talk about all our memories (wipes tear) that we had with you. Why can’t we just move into the city? (Pause.) (Jumps off stool and moves off camera. Everyone tells me I’ll be fine. I still can’t believe that Esteban did that. When I come back above ground, I transform into the Goddess of Spring. She’s always told me it isn’t my fault that my dad left. I don’t like disco. You’re going to be sorry you asked. Think. In middle school I got trickier. But some days you don’t hear it. Anything that you say can and will be used against you.” (Goes back to normal voice) I mean honestly! Fine. When I look at her picture, I can feel her telling me that it’s going to be okay, and I want to believe her. Wow. As I defend my stars and fight for all that is good in the universe, my opponent withers and shrinks, folding in on itself. Why do I always mess things up? So, we manage to get in without setting off any alarms. I’m sorry Mrs. Trask. I kinda hoped to live up to more than this. I’m your sister. Never, ever touch Mr. Rupert. (beat) Oh, hello, Mr. Mumumba. Oh, no… I think they’re ripping through the sheets I put over the skyligh! It’s not my fault that I breathe and the blasted straw hut falls over. I wasn’t what he needed me to be. By: Lisa Iordache-Stir, Age 13, California, USA I had told her a while ago, jokingly of course, the legend that anyone who folded one thousand paper cranes would be granted a wish. (pause) Are you suffering, George? When the truck driver walked into the gas station, he looked at the guy and gave him a really strange look. Really? Genre: Comedic By: Melany Morales, Florida, USA, Age 13 Here, have a cup of tea. I guess it’s not all that surprising though, since I live in a pineapple under the sea. Think. To my surprise, they were all shrunken about three sizes after taking them out of the dryer! I’m having a nightmare, but I’m awake. I couldn’t focus on anything my teachers were saying, I was too busy thinking my plan through in my head. I opened my eyes, only for the saltwater to flood them. Like I tell my nephew, there will be plenty of time for dating when you go off to college. One good thing…I have a pet. My dad was a phony and a liar and I hated him. She literally loved it to death. (pacing, pacing) Let me know when you can hear me. Do you REALLY want those back? Gross. He claimed that Jenny was his science partner and that Mrs. Switzer was his piano teacher. If I was confident I could just stand on that stage and nail it, but I’m not. My intense competitive spirit, social anxiety, fear of the cafeteria and awkward sense of humor tend to work against me. It was so romantic ma! Yes, my ship is tugging it. The art or occupation of a literary writer. Instead something unexpected happened. Stop it, MOM, you can’t call me at work anymore. Genre: Comedic. I’d made the wrong decision. Because in the months that followed I, I dropped out of school to take care of you. Just because I may be darker doesn’t mean you can compare me to pitch black. Turns out someone wanting to rob a bank with you does NOT coincide with getting married and having kids. Because I always get hit with the ball, even when I’m standing, like, ten feet away. But all she cares about is doing dumb science experiments, mostly tests on me! It happens at random times, like at night when I’m in bed and looking at my phone. Oh my gosh… ughh I know what you’re thinking. I always wished my life was more interesting. OH! Gender: Any His office is right down the hall, third door on the left. I always wanted to walk into a room and be the eye catcher because of how thin I could be. What’s that? Now, I think I know the cure. I’m scared to come home. But that’s what you’re doing Ray. She says they sound like embryos trying to put on a concert. You think something so basic to living would come easier. I know this sounds crazy, but…. I mean look at what I have. That maybe the world would be better off without me… Now as I sit here next to your grave, I wonder will anyone miss me if I was gone? Funny question, you see I was a dancer. You know what, I’m just gonna let him take me, jail shouldn’t be too bad right? Voice of the Lepracaun singing shrill Anyway, back to the seasons. Or say something like, “I’m fine,” even though they are definitely not fine. But in my opinion, you’re the most selfish person I know. Parentheses…stop whispering. Remember Jeanine, open body language and smile…. Especially since we hadn’t paid attention. All of you, in line. Oh, you should have seen their faces when Frankie asked me to the homecoming dance. Gender: Female, but can be changed But it’s not like I need one. Come on Jeanine! First Place Winner! (Clears throat. Oh yeah, and then syrup, which is about 100 calories, plus butter, which is 80 calories a teaspoon, then milk, 130 calories. I’ll stay on the line with you until the police get to your house. Running’s all right– it gives me something to do– but it’ll never be like swimming. If not me, at least Violet Little, (Calming down a bit) even though her accent was more on the Australian side, but maybe that’s because she is Australian, I don’t really remember. Download free books in PDF format. I wore silky dresses and flirted with the gentlemen, but mostly I danced. I mean, I’m not in art school or something, right?! Second Place Winner! I’m running out of air. What did I ever do to deserve this kind of pain and hurt? I couldn’t believe I just got pulled into my mirror by my own reflection! It’s Ross Sullivan you really have to watch out for. I’m not embarrassed; it’s just not what you’re going to expect.Well, if you really want me to say it. I am the only one who passed? You say she's probably fine. Quiche isn't Sexy. But that day was different. To just be an average kid. He said he saw me walk into the toilet and as soon as that door closed my parents shared a look, ran to the car, jumped in and drove off. It’s a girlfriend’s job to watch out for girls who want to steal him away. Gender: Female Do you ever think about how being alive, and actually living, are two completely different things? It’s good she spent her time doing something she wanted to do, that is that. I’ve never been the victim of bullying. Gender: Female Look, I need to talk to you before I go. So… just to recap, I, Persephone the Goddess of Spring, married my Uncle Hades, the God of the Underworld. No, it is not. That was a pretty low point for me, I gotta admit. It’s why I love to go out on the roof. Wishing for those times when you came over and we became like sisters. It just tires me out so much. Yeah, I know. Here it is. Good riddance, he’ll say. And if something as simple as that can keep going, I’ll tell myself I can too. We were in and out SO quick and we got some good cash out of it. No, no I can’t make it too serious. That’s why I have a special connection to this house. No wonder people don’t use Exclamation Points very often. This is why there are a ton of scratches on my body. Well, then. So, no, I don’t accept your apology, and I never will. They made of love. You recognize me. We could cause a power outage! I really am innocent. However, I know not everyone will like me, but at that time it made sense. I’ve been practicing all week. Genre: Comedic. (moves toward the door and offstage and starts screaming) Noooooo! Maybe I’ll just watch some TV. She probably still holds a grudge from “THE MISHAP”. He smiles with black teeth. I want to breakup with you. It will never go away. You can do this. You see, I know you’re most likely confused right now and to that I say you’re hugging the tight rope as you exist in this world. Description: A Chinese mother lectures her child about how easy her life is. I gotta find my flashlight. (Animatedly) Oh! Sounds like a great guy. You are constantly picking on her like she’s some puppy that needs to be trained. And remember, if you have something cool inside your house, remember to lock up when you leave! I love you. You need to memorize this before the interview starts… (Phone rings. Genre: Comedic We used to sneak out of my window when it was clearly past our bedtime. I have dedicated 28 years to that store, and the fine customers inside it. You’re just thinking about going home, watching tv, what you’re going to make for dinner. My friends. “acute malignant leukemia of the lymph glands” sounds fancy, don’t it? Water. Clang! At first I just thought it was a sick senior prank or something, since it was pretty close to the end of the year, so I just disregarded all the commotion… but then I heard Ms. Neilson shouting for everyone to get under the tables. I ran and ran and this was the first house I found. I would go to my mom and ask what was wrong she would say it was “Nothing sweetie, don’t worry about it.” But of course that wasn’t true. That gets me thinking what is thinking? He really wanted to know what he could do to help me. In the hospital, they told me that I had been struck by lightning. I started to wonder if I would ever get out? I figured everything would be okay and I could find a cab to take me to my aunts’ but then I realized that I left my bag on the train which had my phone and all of the money that I could bring. One time at fifth grade field day, I cut holes in my potato sack to win the race. I’m keeping it! Because loving him took my life. (looks around then talks into the phone while running offstage) Oh my God, I’m in the library! I try but ... i. ), “Lay your ear close to the hill. Description: A boy describes his woes in trying to understand girls. They then continued and found an awesome hammock that one of the sisters wanted to take a nap on but her other sisters insisted that they keep moving. The Art of Public Speaking 12th Edition. Amber is a young woman living in Los Angeles. And it is of my utmost pleasure to announce that we are becoming more than pasta manufactures, today – we are pasta pioneers. She’s making everyone sit back down. How dare you disrespect me like that. I could tell him I was late for work. Throw it back!” What should I do? Genre: Dramatic. But God loves a trier, so here goes nothing. Also germs. No, no, no, no, I am not going to let the two of you drop out of school! Nothing on his face, like it was incapable of emotion. It was a disaster, but so was Pompeii. It’s fine, it’s fine. Plato’s sympo…sympos… how do you say this word? I put a bowl down, I put Cheerios in that bowl, I pour milk in that bowl. I just broke down and cried. You don’t have room on the wall? I don’t perform tricks for treats. I’m sure you’ve heard about it from my previous teachers too. Simplicity "I take things as they come and find that patience and persistence tend to win out in the end." Just for trying to say hello? (Waits for a minute for camera to turn off.) Gender: Female I tried thinking of something to say, as if choosing the right words would save his life but. You can’t live a life, if you’re not willing to live it. I remember the way she laughed often and easily, her voice a chime of happiness. When I was in school, if my name wasn’t at the very top of the exam board, I would cry for the next two days. No one is going to die if you just keep calm and recommend superb cheeses. I’m not going one mile over the speed limit. Wish me luck! I looked out the window and saw a man getting shot, blood ran down his neck as he fell. And then lying on the grass, my body like lead, my head splitting with pain, and the sweet, overpowering fragrance of grass. You know, that Little Red Riding Hood looked like a liar to me. It’s the little things that are racist. Ugh! (demanding desperately) Well, then open the port, let the Iceberg in. (beat) No? cause he’s definitely gonna ask me why I was going so fast. So I hid the peanut butter inside of ... chocolate! What I do is an art not a felony. I hate it when you do that, or when you stop talking to me. He had small children, she said. About me going to the rooftop of the school and being ready to jump? You might want to get a snack. Imaginative or creative writing, especially of recognized artistic value: "Literature must be an analysis of experience and a synthesis of the findings into a unity" (Rebecca West). (Pause.) Leslie! Description: A teenager complains to a friend about household chores. At first a little giggle and then a full blown belly laugh. (laughs…sees that she doesn’t remember.) The man raised his gun and pointed it at us. I’m running late. Me? I messed with her head with, I’m older I shoulda known better, I shoulda done better. Where’s my cell phone? Hello there, dear. That’s a long time. I got the kids to go to bed, only a couple hours after their bedtime, and I supervised when they cooked my dinner so. I am here. I got my own plans. The pitcher winds up and throws again. Description: A girl talks about her frightening experiences with her evil mirror reflection. Don’t you be pointing that thing at me! We were looking at the tall sign outside, the one where you could rearrange the letters to spell what you like. I mostly stick with brown, that seems to suit him. (Beat.) I thought I would be devastated but I was not. People used to live without power all the time. Out of curiosity, I went to see what it was. It’s all I’ve been thinking about since graduation. (pause) What are my interests? Don’t follow in my footsteps and drop out because I did it. I’m not going to give my daughter false hopes about a God who does nothing. Something about artistic license. I have spent my whole life living in this house. Gender: Female I could be healthy tomorrow. There, we will rest together in peace, far beneath the cycles of the moon for all eternity. Yeah. (pause) No, mom. Second Place Winner! But don’t let her be an actress in a musical or play, especially the lead! It’s the good times that hurt to think about. I don’t know where it went. That moment of silence was broken by the sound of more gunshots in the hall getting closer, and the boy I was sitting with grabbed my hand, and locked his ocean blue eyes with mine. He is wearing climbing gear - looks like he came directly from a mountain. I think I was twelve. Now, the art of the sword is an art dating back to the earliest ages of reason, perfected during the Renaissance age, when a true Renaissance man knew not only the sword, but—stop chatting amongst yourselves, you urchins! I am…. It is so annoying. (Anya leaves the office), By: Dakota Stranger, Georgia, USA, Age 14 I hope you realize that Faith brings nothing to the table when it comes to a musical. But she insisted that it was all just coincidence and Jessica said that she would help me cover the cost of the dress. That was definitely a costly mistake. Can I be honest? Fine. I know you shouldn’t do it, but it’s a metaphor – just roll with it. I thought told you not to call me at work! Test me one more time Penelope. She would always prank me when I was mad at her, so that I would laugh and forgive her. But I need you to listen to me. I’m Janice P. Nelson. And it was beautiful. I just think Quiche is pretentious. Since you were smart enough to hire me to take care of the rats then you should be smart enough to know that you should pay me unless you want something terrible to happen. Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, neither myself and nor my company, nor pasta had nothing to do with the untimely death of my wife. I’ve been in there for days! My hot pink flashcards though were left on the seat. I will take great care of your kids. Jaaasssooon… Jason! I believe in the golden rule, and that guy didn't do anything to me. Folding paper and legends, that’s not enough to build hope on, but it’s all we get. I will not hesitate to take it! I draw a lot. She plays the Rolling Stones a lot in the car and has to sing along with every word. In 1969–1970 German art dealer Heiner Friedrich did a small showing of Berlin's work called Polaroids and Tapes and created a catalogue for the work of the same name. I’m an honest monster. Yeah and also, it’s true that I ran for Student Council last year but there was a miscommunication. I know! Oh no! By: Catherine Young, Age 12, Texas USA At the hospital, they said he wouldn’t live, but he did, and now my mom has to stay home to take care of him. But other than that, it’s a great place to work. But Kennedy. Say it correctly…. Walk, walk, walk and cupcake hands and left foot, two steps right foot, two steps and… (pauses) Shoot! Brittney, you can keep Esteban. And one day, I’ll have me a kid, and I will love him, and always treat him good. I have no problem being average. Why can’t people talk to me and get to know me instead of talk about me and make up stories. In my mind, his eyes are open and he is reaching out. Well, I appreciate you listening to me, Mrs. G. I really want to make sure this year is different. Fox wasn’t so wonderful. It explains a lot actually. He gave me a timid smile. olwolo. “Mom, Santa came! I am calling the principal! Listeners—of which, there aren’t any—and I don’t mean to start off on such a low note, but I’m gonna go insane if I have to be stuck with myself for another two months. Description: A teenager is forced to go and see a psychologist by their parents. Ryan Cooper, Simplicity: The Art Of Simplicity Guide! No, no mom and dad know I won’t be out for a minute. I’ve got a date. But trust me, what you’re doing now Ray, it’s not living. That’s why I fall asleep in your class. I’ve spent a lot of time shrunk down in my seat. Can you… can you help me? I didn’t see why it mattered so much, he was just a teacher and they were just students. My mom picked me up that night in the back lot of the drive in. I’ve been thinking about learning to play an instrument. Just as well, I guess. And again, and again. I could blame it on my father, but it was me who took away the only thing I loved, the only thing that truly made me happy. The poor thing spent her last months folding and folding and folding. (Stands up straight, pushes shoulders back and extends her hand for a handshake) Good morning, my name is Jeanine Brefcyznki. Sometimes she would know when I had a bad day and would always make me feel better. What keeps me going? He pushed her into the mantel, and I watched it all happen. There’s the bell. That’s not a life you would want to live. Another one? Two decades ago, in the year 2020, scientists hypothesized that the clouds of Venus might have bacterial life. Nothing stops the morning. Yes, yes, alright! Gender: Any Climbed out of my mirror by my side range of self-help books that are racist a of. His/Her mother. ) Hades, my pretty kitty, I wanted and eating and... Happy birthday criticizing Chairman Mao, the germs, the one where you came over and over the. 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