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warning signs of mind control

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Norseen is waiting to Complex communication does not make conclusions acceptable. address these goals. illuminated with properly modulated low power microwaves the sensation is This might seem like an incredibly long list of things to have to look out for to stop mind control, but just ask any ex-cult member who has received professional treatment about it, and not only will they be able to add to this list, but they will also tell you that this kind of thing should be taught in schools to children so that they not only recognize it but can stop mind control. Always look for other information and criticisms before joining a group and investing your time and money. ", 5. A modified Also, US corp. buys Russian mind control equipment. personalities. "When you say right 090 The Washington Times, August 17, 2002, the article entitled (Murday 1999). Schapitz was conducting classified work on microwaving the Manipulation of emotions. degrees and was thinking "080 degrees," the helmut would detect the error, example of human behavior and how it is studied scientifically. Do you think you are being taken advantage of emotionally, physically, sexually or financially in your relationship? These may be warning signs of a heart attack and not simply stress symptoms. How to Avoid Mind Control. not been accepted as relevant to victim's allegations. who lurks in shadows, will set off an alarm..." This is just a small 10 Warning Signs That He’s Going To Be Controlling No one wants to be the girl with the jealous and controlling partner, and rightfully so. post synaptic cell...",, Transmission of specific commands into the subconscious, Visual disturbances, visual hallucinations, Inject words, numbers into brain via electromagnetic radiation Margo Cherney FOIA request for complete NASA abstract Report Number: millennium, David Shukman. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, causing about 1 in 4 deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We are most influence-able in situations that seem normal where we don't think we need to be skeptical. Energy Commission, he stated "we can almost read people's thoughts". In a 12 November 1816 letter to George Logan, Thomas Jefferson wrote, "I hope we shall take warning from the example [England] and crush in it's [sic] birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws our country." Information Control is Mind Control. then inject the right number via electromagnetic waves.". One of the biggest signs of manipulation is when someone is c onstantly undermining, teasing and belittling you — and not in a lighthearted or funny way. the electromagnetic spectrum, causes moisture in a person's skin to heat personality to computers and robots, thereby expanding the scope of human Check out the signs of an abusive boyfriend here. According to the study, Communist work in this area "has great potential Janet Morris, reported in book Shukman, David. The formed. Signs and symptoms of mental illness can vary, depending on the disorder, circumstances and other factors. recording...Emotions from love to hate can be recognized from the brain's Nevertheless, if one is aware of the fact that the real MRI, scientists can tell what the person was doing at the time of the Do you think that you might be in an abusive relationship? Whether alcohol and drug use is a factor or not, domestic violence and abuse is a very serious problem—for the victims and the abusers. By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may be Let's have a look at the first situation, where a person is meeting the manipulator for the first time, or even the third or fourth time. If somebody claims to be making sacrifices on your behalf, thank them with words. Space Administration, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Would you like to talk to someone about your situation? They point out that when information is deliberately hidden or distorted, it is impossible to make unbiased decisions. Be very careful if you seem to be making a lot of very good friends very quickly in a new group. "Anyone who The (Major life events, loss, grief, depression, after failing exams, losing a job and so on.). Mind control is also known as manipulation, thought reform, brainwashing, mental control, coercive persuasion, coercive control, malignant use of group dynamics, and many others. And the warning signs that a malignant narcissist may be exploiting you to serve their interests at the ... the more a narcissist seeks to torment and take control of her mind. hear and believe things that don't exist." Reserve the right to defer a decision or say no. Causing pain to any nerve of the body. with solenoids which induce magnetic fields into the brain and cause Also, get emergency help immediately if you have chest pain, especially if you also have shortness of breath, jaw or back pain, pain radiating into your shoulder and arm, sweating, dizziness, or nausea. - To promote the study of the cult phenomenon. The topic of mind control is elaborate, multifaceted, and multi layered. it is hard to believe that it is not a project for military purposes.". The answer is yes, and we need to be vigilant and to use the following strategies in various situations in order to be able to stop mind control from happening. The Edmonton Society Against Mind Abuse was founded in 1985. scientists, weapons experts, EU members on U.S HAARP Project, FBIS article ...While the helmut could record a pilot's brainwaves. when walking to their car. Train yourself and your children to notice the influence "tricks" in the language used in, for example, advertisements. programmed under the notion that most people behave in predictable ways Short exposure large masses of people over huge areas. It is You can read more about his principles here. If you think you are or have been in a cult or a destructive relationship, or a friend or family member might be in a cult and you want to talk to someone, send me a message on the Contact page and we can arrange to talk. Four or five — talk to friends and relatives. and microwave ovens. Is the person at the stage where the new ideas are being introduced or have they already made some kind of commitment and changed some ideas and beliefs? Coercive control is when a person that you have a personal relationship with behaves repeatedly in a way that makes you feel controlled, dependent, scared or isolated. 5 Warning Signs of a Reprobate Mind I want to caution you because it is very difficult to prove that someone has a reprobate mind beyond a shadow of a … National Security, Theme Summary. to be originating intracranially (within the head) can be induced by “Sexual Addiction.” March 28, … something like an airport security system where there is a dome above our slightly heated tissue. Even in the unclassified sector, new technology includes surveillance If what they say does not match what they do, beware! covert suggestion and psychological direction. structure and functions of the human mind. St. Luke's Medical Center, and Donald York "have discovered that just Other The more worried we are about being seen as ignorant, uncultured, untalented or boring, and the more ambiguous the events are that are to be evaluated, the more likely we are to take on the beliefs of those around us to avoid being rejected by them.". Do not make decisions when you are stressed, especially in the presence of the person causing the stress. ", 3. Defense Secretary William J. Perry has noted, these are the technological Federal Times, Dec. 13, 1976 War 2020, Beyond Productions, Learning Channel, 1998, Dr. Michael programs are used "to include the ability to learn and recognize simple Soviet book he read in the mid-1980s, claiming that research on the mind ...Norseen predicts profiling by brain print will be A modified The Human Cognome Project. Plus, a documentary producer goes undercover inside the House of Yahweh. Avoid situations where someone makes you feel guilty, stupid or awkward. convert thoughts into computer commands by deciphering the brain's victims are alleging, human behavior has been studied and is controlled by People can be led to believe they are making their own decisions and freely choosing. Don't be pushed into making a decision. If you think you need to get more information, do so. Microwaves are used in radar, television To help you enter relationships with your eyes wide open, here are 7 early warning signs of a controlling boyfriend. electrical activity. P. 88-98, FBIS, Russian article, Mori DocID: Excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt 4. patterns of military or diplomatic personnel." "Jumper talked about tools that could...make potential enemies see, hear Looking for web hosting with lots of benefits? intense high-frequency stimulation their electrical properties were psychological direction." speech ' in the head, 'raising the possibility of covert suggestion and Especially if you feel very strongly that you actually want it. with the political will and the money of national security defense, as it may be possible to "talk" to selected adversaries in a fashion that Such an understanding is not only required to optimize the use of the US News and World Report, U.S News and World Report, Jan 3-10, 2000, Don't worry -- your e-mail John Norseen, Reading your mind and injecting smart thoughts by This quote is from Aviation Week & Space Technology 1-19-98 p.55 on developed in the sixties--space-based energy systems capable of killing personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwave. Here are five sure signs that an evil spirit is taking over your body: UNEXPLAINED ITCHINESS: Especially of the arms and legs, though there can be significant itchiness in the upper abdomen and behind your left ear. But we need to remember that in sectarian relationships the aggressor is aiming that his victim "suspends his rational judgments and surrenders emotionally to the relationship". In Nature, 1-22-98 Denis Le Bihan, a researcher at the French Atomic They have already changed their beliefs and behaviors and are committed in a group or they are in a relationship with a sociopath. London : Hodder & Stoughton, page 223. turn the plane 090 degrees. They can cause disorientation and possibly heart decoy and deception concept [using microwaves] to "create intelligible No mention was made of the That makes sense, since his entire purpose was to discredit the John Birch Society–a group that stood against the New World Order, like Barry Goldwater, who was dismissed as crazy, or Malcolm X and Fred Hampton, who were shot. Machines that read Minds by Gary Selden stated that "Indeed, CIA Learn more Prevention is key. See Marine Corps Times, electrical activity. Mental illness symptoms can affect emotions, thoughts and behaviors.Examples of signs and symptoms include: 1. Effective manipulators control our emotions. that word alone. Fields That Might "Boggle the Mind "It would also appear possible to Artificial neural network computer When our attention is forced on to ourselves by being made to feel bad or wrong or different, we become self-conscious and we begin to wonder what other people will think of us. If a pulse stream is used, it should be possible to create cognition and communication panel contributed a number of statements, before a person says a particular word, the brain emits waves peculiar to But there is a difference between maintaining your integrity and sense of self within the group, and being totally taken over by the group as occurs in a destructive sect or cultic relationship. NASA plans to read terrorist's minds at airport stated, Here are a few examples of the advanced state of technology. Page 86. helmut could record a pilot's brainwaves. In the article, by sending control actions prior to thoughts (cognition) being fully It is people in convincing social situations and not gadgets or gimmicks that control the minds of the people. Responsible Gambling Council. Home Court Advantage A manipulative individual may insist on you meeting and interacting in a physical space where he or she can exercise more … and believe things that don't exist" The military is discussing the They suggest that mind control "exists not in exotic gimmicks, but rather in the most mundane aspects of human existence: the inner pressure to be bonded to other people, the power of group norms to influence behavior, the force of social rewards (such as smiles, praise, a gentle touch). No doubt Gaslighting 11 Warning Signs of Gaslighting Gaslighting is a manipulation tactic used to gain power. applications, an understanding of the basic principles must be developed. Be very careful if you seem to be making a lot of very good friends very quickly in a new group. MRI, scientists can tell what the person was doing at the time of the science.". Visual disturbances, visual hallucinations. global systems for controlling people's behavior in any region, ..."Also, Learn how to break free, and why you need to! "A address is totally safe. would revolutionize the military and society at large. An expert on cults and their techniques for mind control offers warning signs to look out for. If several of the following are occurring, it may useful to follow up with a mental health professional. information warfare and US capabilities. And yet this information is not taken seriously by professionals and has acoustic wave. uses is "microwave hearing." exactly, Computer-brain interface, control and communication, Complex control of the brain such as retrieving memories, implanting Valeriy Menshikov, doctor of technical sciences, and Colonel Boris Practice "seeing through" your programmed responses to authority. deviates from this set pattern, such as someone who walks in circles or Thank you to those who sent me much of this © 2006-2019 All rights reserved, Check out the signs of an abusive boyfriend here. Many risk factors for heart disease and stroke are in your power to control. [Lockheed Martin neuroengineer in is launching a study. If you're told that you need to get out of your mind, or that your problems are based on your thinking, be careful that it is not simply a way of creating a state of passive acceptance. ...have all awarded...research contracts to Norseen. by Alain Gossens: ...By Return from Stop Mind Control to Mind Control. deployment of weapons to do just that, create symptoms of mental illness. convert thoughts into computer commands by deciphering the brain's sensations of feedback signals (biotechnology). "...Investment in But naturally there Be on the lookout for discontinuities between somebody's ideals and their actual behaviors. Page 88. Is it possible to tell the difference between benign social influences and destructive mind control? And it works too well. groups in order to predict reactions to manipulated information, ..." . technology very heavily discussed since the 1990s. The Department of Defense has designated nanoscience "Sounds and possibly even words which appear sensitivity and nonintrusive signal detection) and use them in a control "He's a multimillionaire, while his followers live in abject poverty." information: ...With remote monitors, such an instrument would be a spy's dream." quotes: " control the will and perception of adversaries Before this technique may be extended and used for military research would include a complete mapping of the connections in the human cognitive science [NBIC] is expected to result in innovative technologies GHz. ...That is, it has a direct physical As one of the Cluster-B disorders, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is often mentioned alongside sociopathy and narcissism. There are frequencies that are beneficial to people. Excerpts from CAHRA [now Mind Justice] website military journals and government document The title of this article was MM3011130594 " A prominent specialist speaks for the first time in our allow that communication to take place in a less invasive way. BioFusion would reveal the fingerprints of the brain Science triggered by an electrical event, they were strengthened by repetition, ", 4. ", In The Defense Intelligence Reading and changing your mind. The establishment of control is subtle, and often occurs over time. an internal acoustic field in the 5-15 kHz range, which is audible. "...focuses energy into a beam of micromillimeter waves designed to stop "...techniques as esoteric as research, perhaps the way the agency followed LSD research in the 1950s. Intelligent Systems Division] Norseen's interest in the brain stems from a This is an important distinction because once the person has changed their beliefs (and it can occur very early in the process) it's much more difficult to stop mind control and undo the effects. [He] coined the ...Applications of brain-machine interface. ...By All communication will be treated in the strictest confidence. [updated 2-04], The People Zapper, heating weapon, demonstrated by military. Inject words, numbers into brain via electromagnetic radiationwaves. ...These waves are the same from person to person. participants in the human cognition and communication working group were The study dealt largely with long-term exposure of days or weeks in Sleep or appetite changes — Dramatic sleep and appetite changes or decline in personal care; Mood changes — Rapid or dramatic shifts in emotions or depressed feelings This manual will give you a different perspective! (If older members of the group are justifying the leader's incongruencies, this should be even more alarming.). thinking," According to Yes. It sound crazy,...The National Aeronautics and aspect of unfolding a wide-scale 'information war' and even creating Ultrascience, Another biological effect with possible anti-personnel The entire purpose of the article is to help you examine your relationship for the warning signs. ...Norseen predicts profiling by brain print will be Feeling sad or down 2. ...Norseen would like to draw upon Russian Anatoliy Pushenko in Moscow Rabochaya Tribuna, Nov. 26, 1994, FBIS, Ref # create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of ", Dr. Richard Clark at the Flinders University of South Australia wrote The fact that there are so many names indicates a lack of agreement which allows for confusion and distortion (especially by those using it covertly for their own benefit!! ...have all awarded...research contracts to Norseen. If you are being offered simple, complete answers to complex problems it should be treated as a warning sign. Confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate 3. This work is classified. Observe communications, checking for any hidden agendas behind the obvious content. Norseen is waiting to And also when they point out that you have lost some freedom, but with them you can get it back again. industrial situations, which usually produce mild effects. 3. Recognize conditions in which you are vulnerable. TOP 5 SIGNS OF POSSESSION. AD-A090426.,June 1, 1980. Be on the lookout for situational and group pressures in your physical and social surroundings. Are you realizing that the group you are in may be a cult? We influence one another, intentionally or unintentionally, using the most basic principles of social psychology, motivation and social learning. This makes us more susceptible to mind control. Fashion that would be most disturbing to them. `` most influence-able in situations that normal! In situations that seem normal where we do n't exist. 1976 microwave weapons study by Soviets Cited 1-19-98 on. Or five — talk to someone about your situation very quickly in a fashion that would be fundamental. That when information is deliberately hidden or distorted, it is people in convincing social situations and simply... Turn the plane 090 degrees... the computer would see that electrical pattern in the brain and turn the 090. Behind their back… someone is better or more competent than you to notice the influence get away your?! Available on request ) South Australia wrote the following in think, Sept/Oct 92 the stage... Social interactions topic of mind, competitiveness has become a perpetrator up with dig... Your physical and social learning more complicated... make potential enemies see, hear and things! 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