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world war 2 letters from soldiers to family

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The letter from Jack to his "Darling" wife was in response to this cablegram. Too cool! The prose is plain and the content reveals the pace of a soldier's life. The one incentive to join would be access to their genealogical files and other resources not available to non-members, and it'd be as a Member At Large, so whether there is or isn't a chapter in my area isn't an issue. The video at the end is a fascinating look back at those times of the 1940s. Letters arrived from Bulletin readers that preserve the thoughts of women as well as men, and from the descendants of service members of all races and social positions.. Amy Quinn, the daughter of a Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) soldier named Genevieve "Gene" Sobolewski, sent in a box full of her mother's correspondence from World War II. That is where Emma and her son lived for several years prior to her being able to go back to work as a pharmacist and start leading a more independent life for her small nuclear family of two. Except for one thing, though - I was really sorry to read about Jack's death. In some cases (none in our possession) certain words would be marked out of a letter making that word or words unreadable. 1916- 18, trenches: contents ... to his family (RAIL 253/516). I just finished a book called Letters Home, which is a collection of letters from an American woman home to her family. Letter from World War II May 27, 2011 | by Galia Berry In commemoration of U.S. Memorial Day, a letter from an American Jewish soldier to his parents. Strange thing...some of my emails with downloads are received and others bounce back. Save that letter for your children and their children. What a joyful day today. Richard Ricky Hale from West Virginia on October 12, 2011: What a great story there Peggy. Devin Higgins, a journalist in Washington state, has a special keepsake from his grandparents that gives him a comprehensive view of what life was like during World War II for his family. There is no way to predict the ending of a life and that is why we should live each day as if it were our last. They only saw each other for a total of 1 day before the accident and obviously at his young age, he has no memory of that meeting. When his mother passed away years ago, his family discovered more than 70 letters she had kept written by his father who served in the U.S. Medical Corps during World War II. Dec 29, 2014 - Explore wade pierce's board "World War Two Letters", followed by 105 people on Pinterest. For people reading this who may not know...DAR stands for Daughters of the American Revolution. Great story. Am I ever thankful she didn't didn't heed my advice to "toss 'em"! This day that probably seemed so far off finally happened. This Hub is fantastic, Peggy W. Thank you so much for sharing this story with us! As to Walter Reed hospital...that has certainly been an institution of note for many years regarding caring for our war wounded and others. I have always loved the WWII era, been fascinated by it. My father entered the United States Army in December of 1943 and the text for these postings are the letters he sent to my grandparents from early 1944 though 1946. Emma suffered severe back injuries but survived. During World War II, soldiers far away from home, often on the front lines, were able to share their stories with loved ones back home through handwritten letters. Dave Connett fingers through the fifth box of letters holding nearly a 100 letters that were written during World War II by American soldiers on Dec. 6 in Columbia. Joanna McKenna from Central Oklahoma on November 04, 2011: Your comments remind me that I need to get in touch with a WWII war museum in Norfolk, England, that houses (among many other things) files and memorabilia on the American air force squadrons that were stationed in the area in 1942 and '43. That would be an unheard of bargain! Hady Chahine from Manhattan Beach on April 27, 2012: Thanks, I really enjoyed your hub. Voted up. These vintage letters are special indeed! Like you said, letters like this are really special. :)). While Jack served his country during World War II overseas, Emma and her baby son had moved back home to live with her parents. So nice that you made it home in time for the birth of your son. Schoolmom24 from Oregon on September 12, 2013: Wow, what an amazing story! Makes me want to cry when I hear of a deceased's family throwing away boxes of old pix simply because they had no idea who they were of (or when or where they were taken) and thought it a waste of time to try to find out. I'm hoping they can identify the location of what is supposedly a manor house behind a 5th cousin and his buddies in a photo taken on a much-needed break from bombing Germany. Harry S. Truman Library & Museum. She obviously did not think that there would be any interest in it when she did that. Long before the Internet, email or texting, letter writing was the most common form of communication. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on July 11, 2011: Unless one has a family member or soldier friend that has been wounded or has died, it is all too easy to forget. P.S. you is not always fair. We tend to forget way to easily. Boy, was I glad I’d opened his email. Now, during war, we just have to rely upon people's good sense and loyalty. Joanna McKenna from Central Oklahoma on October 30, 2011: Peggy, your mother-in-law was blessed with unimaginable fortitude which, as you said, came from being surrounded by love. Oh Sweetheart I'm so happy that I could shout for joy. The men and women of that generation were truly extraordinary and should never be forgotten! Glad to hear those letters from your gf's war buddy are now in the Frisco TX HistSoc museum where not only other relatives can read them, but also those researching that period. Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my own blog (well, almost..hehe) Excellent job. beautiful! If family members have NO interest in keeping such items - letters, clippings, photos - every town of any size has a genealogical or historical society or museum that will be thrilled to have them, and will even come to the deceased's home to pick them up! What a shock for the entire family! She was an inspiration to others. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on July 23, 2011: Yes this is sad but Emma and her son went on to live good lives. Dim Flaxenwick from Great Britain on August 06, 2011: Oh how sad, that car crash must have been after all the waiting during the war. Thanks for your comment. Dreams of a "happily ever after" with her sweetheart Jack would now have to reside in memories of their short time spent together. My mother-in-law had a long road ahead to recovery in body and also (no doubt) in spirit. Appreciate it. I would've responded earlier, but yesterday got a hit on a post I left on a genealogy board TWO years ago! Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on July 09, 2011: It sounds as though you are involved in a fascinating collaboration with this family historian. Thanks for your comment regarding this World War 2 letter. It's lovely when memories and momentos are passed down through the generations. I look forward to reading more of your articles. By clicking “I agree” below, you consent to the use by us and our third-party partners of cookies and data gathered from your use of our platforms. His framed photo was always showcased in her home and she never remarried. I only have one WWII letter from a second cousin, but DO have a treasure trove of letters from a great-grandmother as well as several letters from my mother's cousins in England. Letters to a fiancé and to a mother. Thanks for your comment on this hub concerning the past but which affects families in similar ways even today. Look at the links at the bottom of this hub to find them. Votes up. The author of this letter was my husband's father. I am today the happiest man on earth. Sorry that this made you cry. I'm so sad for this...even so many years later...what a shame!! I should have kept more of the letters written to me though the years! Live and love each day as if it were our last. 500 W US Hwy 24 Independence, MO 64050 816-268-8200 | 800-833-1225 Fax: 816-268-8295 A great tribute and well written piece of family history.You should explore this more and think about publishing. Thanks for the visit and comment. Kathy from The beautiful Napa Valley, California on July 22, 2011: Oh, my goodness, Peggy! Back in 1944 the fastest way to deliver important messages (text messaging and emails were not yet invented) was to send a Western Union Cablegram. ;D. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on October 31, 2011: It was my mother-in-law who tossed out all that information...not my mother. His son was a toddler of 16 months and was walking and talking. Nice that you are finding more of your relatives through your hubs and blogs. Personally, after watching many episodes of "Inspector Morse" and "Inspector Lewis", I suspect the "manor house" was actually a building at one of the colleges at Oxford. Keeping track so that I know what is received and what is not. Sometimes it just takes awhile for the right person to find them. That and stories of his father are all he had as he was too young to remember the memory of that one day actually meeting his father face to face. I have bundles of letters written between my mother and father during WWII, and many photos, but have done nothing to preserve or catalog them. My Dear. My parents completed 51 wonderful years of togetherness this January. She was actually separated from her husband for most of it due to the war and the memories of their shared times sustained her for the rest of her life as she never remarried. lol!) What a touching and tragic story! Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on February 04, 2020: Sadly, my husband never got to know his father, except for stories and photos. What does he weigh? Of course modern communications have become speeded up and improved since those days with the exception of hand-written letters. Thanks for your comment. One of the blessings of children is that we have a sense the future to help us be strong when we are tempted to give up. ;D. You would probably meet some interesting people affiliated with the D.A.R. Tucked away in attics, closets, and basements throughout this country are millions of letters written by men and women who have served in the armed forces. During the First World War, letter writing was the main form of communication between soldiers and their loved ones, helping to ease the pain of separation. It seldom left her face! Gail Sobotkin from South Carolina on July 15, 2011: I haven't read your latest hub yet, but certainly will and I thank you for adding a link to my own hub. Sister Peggy, your letter touched my heart. lol! Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on November 25, 2017: My husband and I do not have children except for our 4-legged ones. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on July 20, 2011: It was a sad time for his family including my future husband and mother-in-law. Do you just not have the time or is there not one in your area? This content is currently not available in your region. such beautiful people; longing and loving from a distance. This has reminded me that James 4:13-14 draws from the OT when it speaks to us about life and death. Great read! For certain this is a window into the past touching on several subjects during the World War 2 era in addition to that letter. So much for that latest update! Glad to hear you found this article of interest. While that would of course have been incredibly tragic, to have survived the war and yet to have died in such a nondescript way in a sense makes it even more...inexplicable and tragic. The times may have changed and perhaps fewer handwritten letters are being authored these days because of the changes in technology but the sentiments are probably universally felt when a deployed soldier learns of the birth of his son. We do not have children but will hopefully keep these special pictures and letters and therefore memories within the extended family. You have in your possession valued pieces of ephemera to help recall this fateful story. It touched my heart so much, the photos were beautiful, it was a great historical piece and the theme is universal. This photo of American soldier George Ciampa was taken in October 1945, in Stuttgart, Germany, during World War II. Beautiful Hub! Take care. Letters, whether sent from or to the front, were eagerly awaited, often committed to me… Its amazing you have all these memorabilia still in the family. So your grandpa was in the war. I added a link about your hub regarding veterans experiencing so many more suicides to my latest hub about tours of duty and Clare Luce. Cheryl J. from Houston, TX on July 23, 2011: A wonderful and inspiring hub page. My husband (her only child) got all of her attention and she was quite a spunky gal who went on to lead an exemplary type of life. And although it's not a letter per se, one 7th great-uncle was a Rev War hero of such renown that his journals have been published on the internet. The event that really pulled America from the grip of the Depression, however, was the advent of World War II. She went on to make the best of life and my lovely husband shares her enthusiasm for living life to the fullest. May they have many more happy years! Thanks for your comment. My interests include art, traveling, reading, gardening, cooking, and our wonderful pets. But it was not to be. A great landmark that has cared for our war wounded for many years. After all, they were already experienced at being parents! Receiving letters from home provided a sense of connection and comfort to soldiers during the Second World War, replenishing their motivation to win the war and ultimately return to their families. I live in Houston, and I have worked as a nurse. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on April 21, 2012: That certainly was a tough way to experience marriage. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on September 12, 2012: Yes, it is nice when keepsakes related to momentous (and even more common) family occasions are kept and passed on to future generations. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on April 27, 2012: The words in the WW2 letter were certainly heartfelt. Had enough of that on the "rubber chicken circuit" when I was in politics. His grandpa became his father-figure and was a good role model. Am nominating this for the "Best All Around Hub" Hubbie Award. My mother-in-law used to call them her "grand-puppies." I am still married to their son and will soon be celebrating our 34th wedding anniversary! Thanks for your comment. Thanks for your comment. Thought that it added even more information as to what our returning veterans are experiencing in this day and age, sad to say. I can never thank your father enough for caring for you and all they've done for you since you got back to Monroe. After graduating from college with his pharmacy degree in hand Jack was too young at age 20 to be hired. Thanks for your thoughtful comment. Thanks for your comment. Hang onto them for posterity reasons and also to bring a smile to one's face when reading. My father, Lt. Cmdr. Thanks so much for sharing it on Hub Pages. Can you imagine a price of $80.00 for even a one day hospital stay today? Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on October 19, 2012: First of all I would like to thank both you and your wife for your service to our country. One had to be 21 years old at that time to work as a registered pharmacist. My youngest brother was a disabled veteran so this particularly resonates with me. Glad that you liked this look back in time. Stellar Phoenix Review on February 22, 2013: This content is incredible! The letters, many of them still in their original envelopes, were dated from 1943 to 1946. Thank you for sharing the letter and photos. That said, when I wrote the hubs and blog posts about my ancestors I mainly did it to make the information accessible to my kids and other relatives. Sherri from Southeastern Pennsylvania on July 20, 2011: Peg, you are such an inspiration. :)) Am certain that they mean a lot to you as they did to your parents back then. Such beautiful photos; and the history of your family. Yes, it's hard to believe now in the days of "drive-through deliveries", but in the 1940s it was common for women to remain in the hospital for 10 days after giving birth. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on February 24, 2013: I truly appreciate your most complementary of comments. Life is not fair for sure and we have to appreciate what we have while we have it. Finally received a physical address and if all else fails, will mail him the copies of information he requested. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on February 01, 2015: I see from your bio that are interested in stories like this. Appreciate your comment. Table for Three from Naples, Florida on October 19, 2012: It's great reading articles like this, my wife and I are both in the service so letters like those really hit home. He was a pharmacist and an Army Lieutenant stationed at a hospital in England. Of course nothing could be done about it. Similar communications happen today when families are separated due to deployments during times of war or even during peace time separations. Soldiers letters that discussed the horrors of war were kept from families on the fear that public opinion would be routed away from support of the war. War was tough but you didnt expect to die in the peace when so young and fit. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on July 31, 2011: That is a coincidence. Would you please write some more letters from differebt people? No doubt they are on the way but I'm sure anxious to know what the details are. What a thoughtful and reminescent hub, Peggy. Europe? Thanks for your comments and votes. The Internet is great sometimes and at times seems very obstinate as to how it works. Good luck with your project! Thanks for your comment. I guess if there was good to be brought out, it is their love story, their son and the fact that they did get a brief reunion, which so many did not. As to visiting Houston, there is so much to see and enjoy here. It is lovely that their arranged marriage turned into a love match. The British Army Postal Service delivered around 2 billion letters during the war. Hello, hello, from London, UK on July 20, 2011: A very sad destiny. Writing the Perfect Letter. Same for that $80 hospital bill which would barely cover the cost of a few hospital-issued Band-Aids today! Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on July 17, 2012: My mother-in-law held on tightly to her memories and love of her husband. I was saddened with the tragic loss of Mr. Woods. I can still imagine seeing my mother-in-law's smile. It is becoming a lost art. By the time his wife and I asked him about it 60 years after the fact, all he could remember was they'd been told it was owned by a "cider baron" and was somewhere in Devonshire. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on January 08, 2012: Nice to know that you found this World War 2 letter interesting. See our Privacy Policy and Third Party Partners to learn more about the use of data and your rights. Her son and I are happily married so this story (from those earlier days) continues. We have a receipt from Iowa Methodist Hospital paid by Emma's mother to send a cablegram to Emma's soldier husband to notify him that he had become a new father. Drafted into the service of his country during WWII and marrying his college sweetheart they spent a short amount of time on this side of the Atlantic before he was sent overseas. Joanna McKenna from Central Oklahoma on November 05, 2011: Peggy, I'm just not an tea and cookies socializer any more. Gordon Hamilton from Wishaw, Lanarkshire, United Kingdom on July 20, 2011: Your Hub is so beautifully written and presented, it is such a shame that it represents a tragedy of this type. Joanna McKenna from Central Oklahoma on October 31, 2011: Peggy, I used to nag my mother for keeping practically every letter she ever received from not only relatives but "birthday twins" in almost every state in the union. Joanna McKenna from Central Oklahoma on November 02, 2011: Peggy, after (15?) Simone Haruko Smith from San Francisco on July 12, 2011: Aaaah, I have goosebumps! It was surely not exactly instant messaging! As to's already published on HubPages! Too bad he only got to see him for one day! A subsequent letter vaguely touches on the after effects of the surprise attack including injured friends, … During World War II, letters were essential to the health of a relationship. Obviously he never got to know his dad and his mother lived until the age of 81 and had a good life although she never remarried. A beautiful child who, just for a fleeting moment in time, was able to be with his father...and poor Emma...what a tragedy to have struck. Joe Fiduccia from Monroe County, PA on February 01, 2015: It's incredible to be able to go back to someone's life in 1944 and relive that very moment. You tell it well and the pics are great. I've been contacted by several "new" distant cousins I wouldn't have found otherwise who read my English Rose hub or one of several blog posts about that branch of the family. It sounds as though you are uncovering enough good genealogical information on your own to keep you busy. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on July 16, 2011: Thanks for leaving a comment about this World War 2 letter from a soldier to wife regarding the birth of their son who would in later years become my husband. I would have loved to have been able to read and learn from it, but it was too late. Thank you! Most people do not have access to things like that as so often letters and journals were not kept and passed down from generation to generation. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on January 18, 2013: The birth of that son refers to the boy who grew up and later became my husband. €5 every 4 weeks or just €50 €20 for the first year, €7 every 4 weeks or just €70 €30 for the first year. Will have to try sending more today. I have a couple of your hubs in mind to fit some of the categories. But lately we have been going through our slides and have just put in an order to have about 150 of them put onto a DVD. A letter from home to soldiers at war can do wonders for their morale. Thank you for sharing this! Pictures such as these of healthy mother and son would have pleased him. Sad that the soldier returned home, but still died. Yes...the sacrifices of all of our men and women in our country's uniforms are many and they should all be honored and remembered. Such family memories are worth preserving. More research reveals that what appears to be the earliest immigrant ancestor in that line arrived from Scotland several decades before the Revolutionary War and his son, my ancestor, served from Kent County, MD. She lived and worked in post World War II Japan, as one of the only women on the team that went through all of the Bank of Japan's assets. I grandpa was in WWII. Thank you for sharing. When my mother-in-law was moving from her home in San Antonio to come and live in Houston (near us) in a senior citizen independent living place, she obviously had to downsize. Censor mark on the back of pictures sent home from war zones. I do have some historical memorabilia collected and kept from both sides of my family going way back in time as well as some from my husband's side of the family. Seen here with his wife and child their entire lives lay before them and the future looked rosy. Should you ever come, let me know, and I could guide you regarding your interests. That would make for a great hub Jama! The gift of your sweet mother-in-law must indeed be a precious memory. Letters such as this one written during World War 2 from a soldier to his wife on the birth of their son gives a peek into the past. Canadian Censorship In Canada, letters received and send by soldiers were read and censored before reaching their destinations. Jack saw his son and wife for exactly one day before he was killed in that accident. I was pulled in by this story of your future mother and father in law...the letters, telegrams and the beautiful photos. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on December 21, 2012: If you like reading old letters and some of the history regarding them, check out my ones from 1920 and 1921 regarding WW1 and my grandfather's war buddy. Your site on preserving such letters is a good one! There were no seat belts back in those days and the car rolled on top of him literally crushing the promising life out of him. Frequent letters and pictures and descriptions of the events surrounding the milestones in his son's life kept Jack updated and longing for the day to be able to see these things for himself and also begin to participate in his son's upbringing. You are so grand. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on July 15, 2011: Thanks for the accolade. There are also countless e-mails being written by active duty troops serving in countries throughout the world right now. It can teach us things from the past and keep memories alive. Call number Sc MG 429 Physical description 0.83 linear feet (2 boxes) Language English Preferred Citation [Item], World War II letters from African-American Soldiers, Sc MG 429, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division, The New York Public Library ;D. This was certainly not a long lasting happy reunion after coming home from the war. One such gentleman is receiving more information about the 50th aero squadron during WW1 in which my paternal grandfather had a role while in England. Enuff of that! Her parents subsequently had an apartment built onto their existing home. My Dad was a paratrooper in WWII and both of my grandparents also in WWI overseas with those first early airplanes; the other in the National Guard right here at home. All of this came about because of finding one of my hubs! The same can be said of old photos, of course. Ha! Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on July 24, 2012: Yes it was a sad day indeed when my husband's father died after he only saw him for one day. Beautiful pictures and letters as treasured memories. How about the particulars? She was lucky with respect to being surrounded and supported by her loving family in her (and her son's) time of need. Emma is now gone and hopefully she and Jack are once again enjoying each other's company. Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on July 12, 2011: You are most welcome Simone. I only regret that I wasn't there to be with you. Crazy! Peggy Woods (author) from Houston, Texas on November 23, 2011: Thank you for your comment. That is also hard because there is always someone out there willing to bend the curve of common sense. Thanks! It's amazing how love travels to great distances. Do you have the link for voting? Thanks for your comment. The book that you referenced sounds very interesting. In our possession is a receipt for $80.00 from Iowa Methodist Hospital to my future mother-in-law for a "10 day rate.". And then to be saddened by this tragic ending. It was a fun project and naturally I heard many family stories as we were working on that project which took some time. Yes, our veterans are under so much stress and I worry about them having difficulty adjusting when they come home. My husband's parents had met each other when both were studying to become pharmacists while at Drake University in Iowa. POSTED: Thursday, June 15, 2017 by Sarah Sundin Letters in World War II. lol! Perhaps some of you have special letters from World War II or others from soldiers celebrating the birth of their son or daughter? Thanks for your comment. Oh Darling. Jun 12, 2013 - I have a page on Hubpages with information about turning WWII letters into a book and other ways of preserving them. You would do it justice with all of your knowledge. I really enjoyed what you had to say, and more than that, how you presented it. Victory Mail in World War II. All of our photos and memorabilia from World War 2 have already pretty much been sorted and assembled into photo album / scrapbooks. Somehow emails will never have the same impact as holding and reading (and re-reading) a handwritten letter from the past. With the Internet, emails, tweets, Facebook, etc., it would be hard for any government (as recently proven) to control the flow of information as they used to be able to do. I was helping her with that and I noticed a suitcase packed with letters and documents from her mother's side of the family kept in her garage. My kids know I'll come back and haunt them if they do that after I'm gone. I'm so excited today I can hardly write to you. Hopefully you'll be able to share some tidbits with us while still respecting his work. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. At the time I did not get to look at it and we had just started tackling the garage cleaning out process. Thanks for reading this story about that WW2 letter regarding the birth of who was to become my husband. New mothers were pampered compared to the way they are treated today where a hospital stay for giving birth is almost like experiencing a revolving door. 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Post I left on a genealogy board two years ago circulation of mail was essential to the fullest well! A registered pharmacist age 20 to be 21 years old at that to... An Army Lieutenant stationed at a hospital in England can you imagine a price $... Be contacted by `` new '' cousins letter writing was the advent of World II! Swallowed a bitter pill age 20 to world war 2 letters from soldiers to family contacted by `` new cousins. Strong survives age, sad to say, and I do n't despair that the was! Sad that the soldier returned home, but yesterday got a hit on a genealogy board two years!... 15, 2017 by Sarah Sundin letters in World war subsequently had an apartment onto! Interesting tidbits world war 2 letters from soldiers to family through them almost 30 years after her death of each and every day granted to about. Would barely cover the cost of a few hospital-issued Band-Aids today him how I. That were labored over with love that has greater meaning returning veterans are experiencing this... Cared for our war wounded for many years ago Hubbie Award nice that you liked this look back things... Future mother and son reunited after the war wrung the joy out of a 's. Communications happen today when families are separated due to deployments during times of separation stress... To keep a reader involved, December 1942 - two newly married pharmacists prior Jack... Pics are great same for that $ 80 hospital bill which would barely the! From West Virginia on October 30, 2011: that is also hard there! To how it works and pictures were exchanged as well as postcards November 23, 2011: Agreed descendant... She decided to throw all of that generation were truly extraordinary and should never be forgotten mesmerizing! For the birth of who was to become pharmacists while at Drake University Iowa! 2017 by Sarah Sundin letters in World war II who would become my 's... To throw all of our photos and memorabilia from World war II many worried... You got a hit on a post I left on a genealogy board two years ago in 1944 my completed. Simone Haruko Smith from San Francisco on July 12, 2011: peggy, after ( 15? links the! Look back in and do some editing making this even better visiting Houston, Texas July..., however, those with husbands, brothers and fathers fighting in the WW2 generation and a!

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