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henry ii of england

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After becoming king aged 21 he ruled for 34 years and through his military efforts and energy regained control over a large Kingdom that included England, Wales and the French regions of Anjou, Maine and Touraine and Brittany. Henry II's position was more precarious at this point than at any previous time in his reign. Jul22. King Henry II was the first Plantaganet King of England, famous for his stormy relationship with Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. After six months in exile, the pope and king reconciled. His fiefs and domains extended from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, and his court was frequented by the greatest thinkers and men of letters of his time, besides ambassadors from all over Europe. Henry invaded England in 1153, and King Stephen agreed to accept him as coadjutor and heir. Henry II of England (1133-1189) 2. Neither side would budge and, in 1164 CE, Thomas was obliged to flee to a Cistercian monastery in France. We are now World History Encyclopedia to better reflect the breadth of our non-profit organization's mission. Books In any case, the long-term results were very great. Updates? Henry was defeated and forced to give way, and news that John also had joined his enemies hastened the King’s death near Tours in 1189. We have also been recommended for educational use by the following publications: Ancient History Encyclopedia Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. Besides disrupting the public life of the church, this situation embroiled Henry with Louis VII and Alexander III; and, though it seemingly did little to hamper Henry’s activities, the time and service spent in negotiations and embassies was considerable, and the tragic denouement in Becket’s murder earned for Henry a good deal of damaging opprobrium. Henry, as agreed, was succeeded by his son Richard who was crowned on 2 September 1189 CE at Westminster Abbey. Set in 12th century England, this is the story behind one of England's most bloody dynasties, the Plantagenets and how they came to power under Henry II. Henry II, duke of Normandy (from 1150), count of Anjou (from 1151), duke of Aquitaine (from 1152), and king of England (from 1154), who… Thomas Cartwright Admonition to Parliament: …the leader of the Presbyterians, Thomas Cartwright, was forced to flee England after publishing “A Second Admonition to Parliament” in support of the first. Henry II (5 March 1133 – 6 July 1189), also known as Henry Curtmantle (French language: Court-manteau), Henry FitzEmpress or Henry Plantagenet, ruled as Count of Anjou, Count of Maine, Duke of Normandy, Duke of Aquitaine, Count of Nantes, King of England (1154–89) and Lord of Ireland; at various times, he also controlled Wales, Scotland and Brittany. Thomas Becket being murdered by four knights in Canterbury Cathedral on December 29, 1170. A second area where royal power had been eroded was the borders of England. Martyrdom of Thomas Becket, St. David's Cathedral, Tomb of Henry II of England & Eleanor of Aquitane. The war proved long and damaging, and neither side managed to gain the upper-hand, even if Matilda briefly became queen in 1141 CE while Stephen was imprisoned at Bristol. 1. He had been at war with his wife and sons for years, and eventually put his wife, the formidable Eleanor of Aquitaine, under house arrest. Henry II (5 March 1133 6 July 1189) ruled as Count of Anjou, Duke of Normandy, and as King of England (11541189) and, at various times, controlled parts of Wales, Scotland, eastern Ireland, and western France. King Henry II: Artist's Impression ca 1620. Four knights broke into Canterbury Cathedral on 29 December 1170 and slew Becket in the most brutal manner. Richard the Lionheart was the third son of King Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, and although his eldest brother died young, the next in line, Henry, was named heir. King Henry II of England is best known in the popular imagination for the murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket, a murder for which the King was blamed. After Henry V’s death, Matilda married again, this time to Geoffrey in 1128 CE. Henry returned to England, but the price was steep. Henry II "Curtmantle" of England (5 March 1133-6 July 1189) was the King of England from 19 December 1154 to 6 July 1189, succeeding Stephen of Blois and preceding Richard the Lionheart.Henry II's inheritance of England and vast areas of France made him one of the most powerful rulers in Europe.He expanded his possessions further in Ireland and made important reforms to the … Corrections? Consequently, with some sharp manoeuvring, Stephen was crowned king in December 1135 CE. Henry II, born in 1133, was invested as Duke of Normandy in 1150. Cartwright, Mark. He was the first of the Angevin kings, and one of England's most effective monarchs. On 19 December 1154 King Henry II was crowned at Westminster Abbey. Henry II is the most imposing figure among the medieval kings of England. Henry's first important task was to bring the Anglo-Norman barons back into line after the period of civil war in England (1135-1153 CE) had enabled them to largely ignore royal authority and build castles, mint their own coinage, and generally deal with the peasantry how they wished without regard to the law. After his death in 1199, John ascended the throne. Two other practices developed by Henry became permanent. Henry II (1133-1189) was king of England from 1154 to 1189. Two black marks which became impossible to erase from memory, however, were the murder of his chancellor and then archbishop, Thomas Becket in 1170 CE and the rebellions led by his own sons at the end of his reign. Henry II ruled as King of England, Count of Anjou, Count of Maine, Duke of Normandy, Duke of Aquitaine, Duke of Gascony, Count of Nantes, Lord of Ireland and, at various times, controlled parts of Wales, Scotland and western France. (Photo by Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images) Two years later, in August 1179, something similar occurred. None was blameless, but the cause of the quarrels was principally Henry’s policy of dividing his dominions among his sons while reserving real authority for himself. Pleas brought to feudal courts could be delayed or altogether frustrated. He subsequently acquired the Vexin in Normandy by the premature marriage of his son Henry to Louis’s daughter, and during much of his reign he attempted to outfight or outwit the French king, who, for his part, gave shelter and comfort to Henry’s enemy, Thomas Becket, the archbishop of Canterbury. Some of his sons revolted against him in a claim for the throne. When Stephen died (Oct. … Henry II, byname Henry of Anjou, Henry Plantagenet, Henry FitzEmpress, or Henry Curtmantle (Short Mantle), (born 1133, Le Mans, Maine [now in France]—died July 6, 1189, near Tours), duke of Normandy (from 1150), count of Anjou (from 1151), duke of Aquitaine (from 1152), and king of England (from 1154), who greatly expanded his Anglo-French domains and strengthened the royal administration in England. Henry’s mother was Empress Matilda, the daughter of Henry I of England (r. 1100-1135 CE), who had gained her title when marrying her first husband Holy Roman Emperor Henry V (r. 1111-1125 CE) in 1114 CE. Cite This Work The fees enriched the treasury, and recourse to the courts both extended the King’s control and discouraged irregular self-help. "Henry II of England." His ascension established the Plantagenets as England’s new royal family. Advertisement. Henry II of England. Richard succeeded his father as king. The murder of Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral shocked the European establishment. Those at Westminster dealt with private pleas and cases sent up from the justices on eyre. Arrest was a local responsibility, usually hard upon a flagrant crime. Henry II of England 1154-1189. When he arrived to be crowned, he brought his pregnant wife Eleanor and heir William. Thibaut du Perche (-bef1211) 3. Henry II of France Enlever; Richard II of England Enlever; Affiner la recherche. While correspondence between monarch and pontiff was a matter of course, this letter was notable for the menace it projected. Throughout his adult life Henry’s sexual morality was lax; but his relations with Eleanor, 11 years his senior, were for long tolerably harmonious, and, between 1153 and 1167, she bore him eight children. From 1171 CE a series of invasions were launched in Ireland against the dangerous baron Richard FitzGilbert (aka Strongbow). Henry II of England was King of England from 1154 to 1189. He refined the government and created a self-standing bureaucracy. Matters were eased by the death of Geoffrey (1186), but the King’s attempt to find an inheritance for John led to a coalition against him of Richard and the young Philip II Augustus, who had succeeded his father, Louis VII, as king of France. Her favourite son Richard went with her. Bodleian Libraries, Cards depicting monarchs- lacking title page.jpg 1,000 × 863; 69 KB. Henry II, byname Henry of Anjou, Henry Plantagenet, Henry FitzEmpress, or Henry Curtmantle (Short Mantle), (born 1133, Le Mans, Maine [now in France]—died July 6, 1189, near Tours), duke of Normandy (from 1150), count of Anjou (from 1151), duke of Aquitaine (from 1152), and king of England (from 1154), who greatly expanded his Anglo-French domains and strengthened the royal administration in England. For Henry was threatening to convert to Islam. Henry was in Normandy and would return to England in December. Two developments had come in since William the Conqueror’s day: the occasional mission of royal justices into the shires and the occasional use of a jury of local notables as fact finders in cases of land tenure. In 1157 Henry invaded Wales and received homage, though without conquest. Henry's mother was Empress Matilda, the daughter of Henry I of England (r. 1100-1135 CE), who had gained her title when marrying her first husband Holy Roman Emperor Henry V (r. 1111-1125 CE) in 1114 CE. A second rebellion flared up in 1181 with a quarrel between his sons Henry and Richard over the government of Aquitaine, but young Henry died in 1183. Henry II’s chancellor Thomas Becket was a very effective administrator and he was efficient at carrying out his duties. In later life, he was said to have had a significant paunch. Henry II’s plans to divide the Angevin “empire” among his sons led to many quarrels and wars. 1151 CE Henry of Anjou (future Henry II of England ) inherits his father’s lands in Normandy, Anjou, Touraine and Maine. License. Six years later, Thomas returned to England in early December 1170 CE to recrown Henry the Young King after the Pope had decided the original coronation, in which the Archbishop of York had performed the ceremony, was void. Why Famous: Henry II inherited the English crown from his uncle Stephen I and through his mother Matilda, herself a claimant to the throne. Henry II "Curtmantle" of England (5 March 1133-6 July 1189) was the King of England from 19 December 1154 to 6 July 1189, succeeding Stephen of Blois and preceding Richard the Lionheart.Henry II's inheritance of England and vast areas of France made him one of the most powerful rulers in Europe.He expanded his possessions further in Ireland and made important reforms to the English legal system. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. In return, Stephen was allowed to keep his crown for the rest of his life. This system presupposed regular visits by the King’s justices on circuit (or, in the technical phrase, “on eyre”), and these tours became part of the administration of the country. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS King Henry II was born March 5, 1133, in Le Mans, France. He gained the throne by negotiation with his predecessor King Stephen of England (r. 1135-1154 CE) following the civil war that had raged between that monarch and Henry's mother Empress Matilda (l. 1102-1167 CE). This provided a system of criminal investigation for the whole country, with a reasonable verdict probable because the firm accusation of the jury entailed exile even if the ordeal acquitted the accused. When it came to the actual coronation, though, many barons wanted neither a woman or an Anjou count anywhere near the throne and so supported instead the dead king's nephew and richest man in England, Stephen of Blois. Consequently, when Stephen died on 25 October 1154 CE at Dover in Kent, Henry was crowned on 19 December 1154 CE at Westminster Abbey, and he became the first undisputed king of England for over a century. Henry’s prestige was at a low ebb after the murder of Becket and recent taxation, but he reacted energetically, settled matters in Normandy and Brittany, and crossed to England, where fighting had continued for a year. Betrayed by his own nearest and dearest, legend has it the king's dying words were 'Shame, shame on a vanquished king'. This was a common enough policy amongst French sovereigns and is why the heir is often referred to as Henry the Young King. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. In Ireland, reputedly bestowed upon him by Pope Adrian IV, Henry allowed an expedition of barons from South Wales to establish Anglo-Norman supremacy in Leinster (1169), which the King himself extended in 1171. More dangerous were the domestic quarrels, which thwarted Henry’s plans and even endangered his life and which finally brought him down in sorrow and shame. In the early months of the reign the King, using his energetic and versatile chancellor Becket, beat down the recalcitrant barons and their castles and began to restore order to the country and to the various forms of justice. (5 March 1133 – 6 July 1189) Henry II was called "Curtmantle" because of his short robe. Philip conspired with John to make him king instead of Richard while the latter was away on the Third Crusade (1189-1192 CE) and then held in captivity by Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1191-1197 CE). 1167 CE). Author of. Henry acquired most of the Continental possessions that would expand the kingdom of England before he became king in 1154. Eventually, the king's youngest son John was sent to rule there in place of the traditional High King (Ard Ri). Henry of Anjou was born on 5 March 1133 CE at Le Mans, France, the son of Geoffrey, Count of Anjou (l. 1113-1151 CE). The council contained an unusually able group of men—some of them were great barons, such as Richard de Lucy and Robert de Beaumont, earl of Leicester; others included civil servants, such as Nigel, bishop of Ely, Richard Fitzneale, and his son, Richard of Ilchester. In 1170 he crowned his eldest son, Henry, as co-regent with himself; but in fact the young king had no powers and resented his nonentity, and in 1173 he opposed his father’s proposal to find territories for the favoured John (Lackland) at the expense of Geoffrey. He was married to Eleanor of Aquitaine and they had eight children together. Justice was administered through the courts and the Assize of Clarendon formulated the procedures involving criminal justice. Around 1170 CE Eleanor effectively separated from her husband and set up her own court in Poitiers. Alternative theories for the origin of the name are that Count Geoffrey wore sprigs of the plant in his hat or his lands were planted with it to provide good cover while hunting. Retrieved from He was as much concerned with his empire in France as he was with England. Learn More. This was the writ of Novel Disseisin (i.e., recent dispossession). While correspondence between monarch and pontiff was a matter of course, this letter was notable for the menace it projected. The barons had no better candidate to support than Henry, and it was clear to all that the civil war had not done anybody any good (even if its chaos has perhaps been exaggerated by later historians) and the last thing England needed was another tussle for the throne. Thomas du Perche (-1217) 4. Henry II of France Enlever; Richard I of England Enlever; Affiner la recherche. William Marsh… Henry II of England (From the Historia Anglorum, Chronica majora). Before becoming King of England, Henry II was Duke of Normandy. His Reign. Ancient History Encyclopedia has a new name! Henry of Anjou (future Henry II of England) attacks the north of England with the assistance of David I of Scotland but is defeated by King Stephen of England. He and Eleanor would have eight children which included Richard I the 'Lionheart' or Coeur de Lion (b. Henry was ambitious, too, to control England, weakened as it was by years of civil war. The king also maintained his interest in France, indeed, he would spend 20 of his 35 years as king outside England. Louis supported Alexander III, whose case was strong, and Henry became arbiter of European opinion. The Pope and King reconciled VII of France fell dangerously ill henry ii of england his father... 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