
10 April 2021 . Sem categoria

spiritual teachings of jesus

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Key teachings of Jesus The Gospel of Matthew is rich with teaching statements by Jesus that give us insights into how he would like his followers to live. Most people have been programmed to reject the idea that Jesus is an ascended master. He spoke of loving God above all other things, caring about all other people as much as we Jesus was a member of the ancient mystery school system and graduated from the very highest level of initiation. “It is very important to teach people to love so that they can later direct their love towards God, at least, a part of their love to begin with! The purpose of this path is to take you to the same state of Christ consciousness that Jesus demonstrated. You will find teachings on what Jesus taught 2,000 years ago, but more importantly you will find teachings on what Jesus teaches today, as a living, spiritual … They will also help you disocver the path that Jesus taught back then and still teaches today. This website describes how the spiritual Path was and is understood by Jesus Christ, His closest Disciples-Apostles, and some of the spiritual adepts who fully fulfilled the Teachings of Jesus. This reality has been deliberately hidden from people, and ironically this has been done by the very religion that claims to represent Jesus on earth. The 75 teachings of Jesus Christ offer invaluable insights into how you can grow spiritually and how you can gain a deeper understanding of human nature. – Jesus. This is the central website of the Ascended Master Resources network. the readiness to dedicate all your life, all your thoughts and acts to the object of your love. “Only those people who have the love for God and for His Creation can understand fully the meaning of their lives, as well as the fact that the Creator is real and it is possible to merge with Him. However, historically it happened that the term Christianity denotes those Teachings about the Path to the Perfection that were given to us through Jesus Christ. Making peace with Jesus – why it is important. But thanks to dedicated scholars and daring writers, the real teachings are coming to light at last. Jesus taught by silence. This website gives you access to the largest and most profound material on the mystical teachings of Jesus found anywhere on the internet. The teachings that I have discovered, especially about the kingdom, have truth that is self-validating. Oftentimes, when individuals hear the terms "Christ" or "Jesus," right away they may fall into preconceived notions based upon their upbringing or particular religious background. Ties spirituality, the teachings of Jesus, kriya yoga and modern physics together with an abundance of references to source material both ancient and modern.. The Book of Mormon prophet Samuel taught, “All mankind, by the fall of Adam being cut off from the presence of the Lord, are considered as dead, both as to things temporal and to things spiritual” ( Helaman 14:16 ). Both books bring new meaning to the words "the kingdom of God is within you". If you use a perverted version of my teachings as a justification for closing your mind to my real teachings, you are not one of my modern-day disciples. The term Christianity may denote all the knowledge imparted by the Creator to people — during the entire history of human existence on the Earth — through His Messengers, Who are called in different languages Messiah, Christ, or Avatar, among other terms. The Process of Creation. The third step is the work on oneself with the use of esoteric meditative methods. Jesus, not the Bible, is God's living and active Word that brings life. Jesus Christ recommended to the creators of this website: “Every one of you should live so that through your bodies, your style of life, your deeds, words, thoughts, books, and films — people can learn to love God! Jesus taught by sequence (e.g. CHRISTIAN WALK The Ministry Model of Jesus: Your Life Mission By Frank A. DeCenso Guest Writer. Answer: The basics of Jesus’ teaching are profound yet simple enough for a child to understand; they are spiritual yet relevant to everyday life. Jesus taught by giving prophetic nicknames (e.g. Love Him! Simon/Peter). Jesus, both back then and today, wants all of us to follow his example and attain the Christ consciousness, so we can do the works that he did. Fasting. You will find teachings on what Jesus taught 2,000 years ago, but more importantly you will find teachings on what Jesus teaches today, as a living, spiritual being, an ascended master. While it … whoever is without sin throw the first stone). Unfortunately, the Teachings of Jesus were oversimplified in many ways and perverted by people because of their ignorance. This website is dedicated to helping you fulfill your potential and claim your Christhood. Jesus came to give a teaching and set an example for what we all have the potential to do. The Parables. In Matthew 16:26 Jesus asked, “For what profit is it … And as mystic scholar Andrew Harvey passionately illuminates in the audio clip I’ll be sharing with you below, Jesus himself was spiritual but not religious. “The Divine Fire is the Creative Aspect of God! – Numerous books written in the last several years have given the believer food for thought regarding their purpose in this life, yet long before these books were penned and published, a purpose had been given to believers by Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, it is necessary to inform them as well. Jesus had access to a spiritual Power that he used in every way. The second step consists in changing one’s own ethical qualities in accordance with the righteousness suggested to us by God. Jesus of Nazareth is undoubtedly the most known figure in Western civilization. The birth of Jesus – the advent of the Avatar; The mysterious “lost years” of Jesus; Yogic interpretations of the Holy Trinity, the origins of good and evil, free will vs. karma, reincarnation, the Christ Consciousness, and other profound passages in the Bible; Jesus as a yogi, and his teachings … Jesus taught supernaturally (e.g. Many of His teachings are disturbing and shake us out of our comfort and complacency. "You don't have His word living … Jesus taught in his sleep (e.g. So far, very few people have dared to follow Jesus’ example, which means that the power elite has been able to deprive Jesus of having his ultimate victory as a teacher. If this resonates with you, it is because you volunteered to take embodiment at this time in order to give Jesus the victory of seeing a critical mass of people follow his example and take this planet into a golden age. She sets forth Jesus' spiritual practices through convincing exegesis, situating Jesus in his historical context, and through examining the reception of Jesus' teachings in the early church. Numerous answers from the ascended masters to people’s questions. The Key teachings of Jesus Christ Believing in the existence of God. If you use a perverted version of my teachings as a justification for closing your mind to my real teachings, you are not one of my modern-day disciples. Only in such self-sacrificing dedication of oneself, the fire of the human soul can merge with the Divine Fire, Heavenly Fire, Creative Fire! – Jesus. However, by focusing upon his sayings, we can see Jesus as the “Great Example” for Spiritual Awakening, Empowerment and Transformation. The ancient mystery school was well aware of the internal workings of both the body and the mind, and these concepts are embedded within the inner spiritual teachings. The question is whether you are willing to recognize this with your conscious mind and make the necessary changes in your life? This is my official website where you can find information about me and the unusual work that I do. Psychological aspects of the path of Christhood, Why mainstream Christianity is false religion, The Catholic Church does not represent Christ, Exposing the consciousness of anti-christ, The judgement of the forces of anti-christ, The dynamic between masculine and feminine, Why it is essential to know the Divine Mother. You will find profound teachings and practical tools to help you achieve this goal. THE MESSAGE We are the fallen angels. We were cast out for our rebellion. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. You have found this website because you are ready at inner levels. The history of Christian reflection on the teachings and nature of Jesus is examined in the article Christology. However, historically it happened that the term Christianity denotes those Teachings about the Path … The Cosmos is in Perfect Order. The angel declares the son is to be named Jesus, the Messiah, proclaiming he will be called a great prophet, and is the Spirit of God and Word of God, who will receive al-Injīl (Arabic for the gospel). Wright successfully shows how Jesus is the supremely good king and teacher who calls his people to a distinctive way of life. This, in and of itself, is an astounding achievement as the teachings of Jesus only lasted around three years prior to his death, and yet in that short amount of time a tremendous world … The angel tells Mary that Jesus will speak in infancy, and when mature, will … It is Love, Which is the Power of the Creator!”, True Revelation of the Apostle John, the Evangelist. JESUS' TEACHINGS The Original Teaching Kept Secret Since The World Began. If you want a more systematic introduction to the mystical teachings of Jesus, we suggest the three books listed below. To him, it seemed the most natural thing in the world that he should be able to tell the paralyzed man to walk, or multiply the loaves and fishes, or still the wind and waves. … Teachings about the Gospels have usually portrayed Jesus Christ as the “Great Exception” to being human. Jesus' Teachings Are Unique By Pat Robertson The 700 Club. Losing your soul to gain the world isn’t worth it. you brood of vipers). However, over the centuries, theologians and church leaders have edited, misinterpreted and distorted Jesus’ original teachings. Centuries of confusion, mistranslation, and outright forgery has obscured the true Christ. What does it mean that Jesus is now an ascended master? With the coming of Christ, the spiritual legacy of Judaism reached its fulfillment. “Love is an emotion. The Way Back to Life. intensity and passion of Jesus' teachings. by Fr. Practical tools for enhancing your spiritual growth, including decrees, visualisations and invocations. There is no firm evidence for when his ministry started or how long it lasted. Transcendence Toolbox There is a very large amount of teachings on this and the affiliated websites. Together they will give you a comprehensive understanding of why Jesus came to earth. The term Christianity may denote all the knowledge imparted by the Creator to people — during the entire history of human existence on the Earth — through His Messengers, Who are called in different languages Messiah, Christ, or Avatar, among other terms. He spoke with great authority on spiritual matters, often leaving his detractors tongue-tied and looking foolish. Jesus taught by confrontation and name-calling (e.g. during the storm). Explaining Evil These Teachings quite often were transformed from Christianity to anti-Christianity, although they were called by the same name. Jesus, also called Jesus Christ, Jesus of Galilee, or Jesus of Nazareth, (born c. 6–4 bce, Bethlehem—died c. 30 ce, Jerusalem), religious leader revered in Christianity, one of the world’s major religions.He is regarded by most Christians as the Incarnation of God. The first step implies receiving the knowledge about how we should understand the word God, what the Evolution of the Universal Consciousness is, what constitutes the meaning of human life and how to realize it in the best way. This is a great overview of the The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You. Jesus was and is an example to follow, and it is a tragedy that mainstream Christianity has turned him into an idol to worship. Why does the prince of this world want you to reject this idea and what do you gain by considering the idea? Basically, Jesus taught that He was the fulfillment of messianic prophecy, that God requires more than external obedience to rules, that salvation comes to those who believe in Christ, and that judgment is coming to the unbelieving and unrepentant. This website is part of the Ascended Master Resources network, which also contains the following websites: Ascended Master Resources The purpose of such work is to develop oneself as a soul (consciousness) to that level where one can cognize directly the non-incarnate Divine Representatives of the Creator, as well as the Creator Himself, and then merge with Him. “Live for Him! Throughout history, the perspectives people have had on the life and teachings of Jesus … If you have ever wondered why Jesus seemingly disappeared 2,000 years ago and has had nothing more to say to humankind, this website will help you reconnect to Jesus and develop a personal, inner relationship with him. My personal website What are the true Jesus teachings? This is the end time wherein … Spiritual death can be overcome through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and by obedience to His gospel. Ascended Master Light “To awaken in themselves and to develop further their love for God is a very important task both for those who just begin their spiritual Path and for large and strong souls! Numerous direct messages (dictations) from the ascended masters, giving teachings on a wide variety of topics. Right now, there are 10,000 people in embodiment who have the potential to attain full Christhood in this lifetime. This website gives you access to the largest and most profound material on the mystical teachings of Jesus found anywhere on the internet. Both Buddha and Christ recognized a divine order in all reality. 3 Halakah was the body of teachings, scriptural interpretations, and moral behavior transmitted by a Jewish Acknowledging your sins and repenting. The time has been fulfilled. The examples of this are the “Holy” Inquisition, the Crusades and other kinds of aggressive wars launched by “Christian” countries, the inculcation of hatred, aggressiveness, and incredible cruelty towards “infidels” and ”heretics” under the slogan of “struggle for the holy faith”, That is why, the true Teachings of Jesus Christ should be distinguished from certain beliefs that are also called sometimes “the true Christianity”. How to awake God within you. “For those who do not have love, this knowledge means nothing. They are the spiritual educators of mankind, bringing teachings and attributes of God, informing us how to live our lives, and revealing verses to draw us closer to God. 2 Singular mashal. This is an opportunity to focus on the teaching OF Jesus, not the teachings ABOUT Jesus. Since 2002, this website has offered over a million visitors a deeper appreciation for Jesus’ teachings about the mystical path. has been said that if Jesus is not God, then we should worship the man who thought Him up, because never did any man speak that way before or since. This becomes obvious the moment we recognize who was Jesus Christ. There are millions more who can attain a high degree of Christhood in this lifetime. The Hidden Teachings of Jesus - The real path to god and enlightenment. Ascended Master Answers Apostle Paul under the powerful influence of the Holy Spirit tells us in Romans... Baptism. Only you can answer that question. Jesus was, among other things, a spiritual teacher and his is still a teacher from the ascended realm today. Jesus came to give us an example of the higher state of consciousness that all of us can achieve. A profound explanation for the origin and methods of dark forces and how to free ourselves and the planet from them. Jefferson described his first attempt to recover the essential teachings of Jesus, which he entitled The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, in a letter to Samuel Adams dated October 13, 1813: 1 Singular davar. The … Love implies, among other things, a self-sacrificing attitude, i.e. “Let this be true for your love for God as well! We are from another world. It contains the foundational teachings about the ascended masters, their teachings and the spiritual path that they offer. The Spiritual Teaching of Christ. John A. Hardon, S.J. These indispensable lessons are meant to deepen your relationship with Him and to help you live with confidence, profound grace, and a richer, more robust connection with your faith. Multidimensionality of Space. Jesus began preaching, teaching, and healing. Christianity as a religion is embraced by one-third of the human population that is based around his life and wise lessons. The Teachings of Jesus Christ. miracles, signs and wonders). 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