
10 April 2021 . Sem categoria

the seed of man in the bible

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Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat (seed) falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit (John 12:24) Jesus was speaking of Himself as the Seed to fall into the earth and die to bear much fruit. When two people (son and daughter of men [Adam]) get married and have children, they literally mingle their seed – which is what procreation or child-bearing is all about (recall our discussion of the genetics of the incarnation). 1 I myself also am a mortal man, like to all, and the offspring of him that was first made of the earth, 2 And in my mother's womb was fashioned to be flesh in the time of ten months, being compacted in blood, of the seed of man, and the pleasure that came with sleep. or even a single child (Genesis 4:25; 1 Samuel 1:11 the Revised Version margin). font-family: “Lucida Bright”; JOHN 6:63 NKJ 63 "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The seed statements are not. ?” Is God the creator, Master of all, of free choice, a Racist, Bigot, anti-Pharisee, 1776 illuminati Zionist, “jew”, “Synagouge of the devil”, the only, truth Sayer? This time he penetrates the very seed of man, but we read down in verses 8-9 that the Lord still has a man. So "to show one's seed" (Ezra 2:59;; Nehemiah 7:61) is to display one's genealogy, and "one's seed" may be simply one's nation, conceived of as a single family (Esther 10:3). T HE S EED P RINCIPLE S˜˚ Oˇ˘ ˙˜ Bfi Dfl. And then comes the weird word choice – “they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men.” Wow. Rev 17:4-6 The sad fact is that the kings of the earth give their power and strength unto the beast. font-family: “Times-Roman”; If the imagery is to be stressed, the Holy Spirit is meant. There are so many layer to revelation I have asked repeatedly for insight and I have been given some, but not all. As time goes on and man continues to encroach upon the natural habitat of our wildlife, the list of endangered species grows. Therefore, if the seed of men refers to humans as a kind (species) then the next question we come to is just who are “they” in Daniel 2:43? it would take generations for him to convince the world to worship him. You can check out his bio here and testimonials here. Salem Media Group. They did not mingle with their subjects – they ordered them around. see CLEAN; UNCLEANNESS. He answered, “The man who planted the good seed in the field is the Son of Man. This angel (possibly Gabriel who visited Daniel in chapter 9) says to Daniel: Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words, But the prince [sar שַׂ֣ר] of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes [hasarim harishonim הָרִאשֹׁנִ֖ים הַשָּׂרִ֥ים], came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings [malkhei מַלְכֵ֥י] of Persia, (Daniel 10:12-13). It went from aliens are scary and bad, to most shows portraying them as good and helpful. it’s ready made and in 1 lifetime he’ll have the entire muslim, anti-jew world at his feet. Luke 13:19 | View whole chapter | See verse in context It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and cast into his garden; and it grew, and waxed a great tree; and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it. While these represent by no means the total consensus of translations, they plausibly provide the preferable (literal) translation based on the grammar. We have discovered that there exists two types of seeds in the Bible; one is the Good Seed and other is called the Bad or Evil Seed. Thus, the idea is that “they” (the subject) will mingle themselves (the object of the verb) with something else. The sons of God took women and the fruit of their union was the Nephilim. Notice? But they are not without life or power. as for mingle and not adhere, i think your right again. information is very confusing. Have you not considered that the mingling is that of the political powers with the religious power. Great insight. entities would be back in our skies raping and cloning hybrids at the end of this ” Father, Son and Holy Ghost.” = One Almighty Power. But I will tell you what is noted in the Scripture of Truth. we see today how muslims in the west are still separate and have really not grasped western lifestyle, ideas, and philosophy. Jesus As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle [mitarvin lehevon מִתְעָרְבִ֤ין לֶהֱוֹן֙] with the seed of men [bizra’ anasha בִּזְרַ֣ע אֲנָשָׁ֔א]; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay. 1Pe 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. However, these same kings (alive in John’s day) will receive their kingdom when the Beast rises to power. This unfortunately led them to sacrificing their children to demons (Psalms 106:37). This is when they convince humanity to interbreed with them. The first usage we come to outside of Daniel is Psalm 106:35 where the writer recounts the history of Israel noting that Israel did not destroy the wicked (and ostensibly Nephilim) nations that the Lord had told them to destroy – rather they mingled themselves (via marriage to them). Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. This presents somewhat of a challenge in that the beast sometimes appears as an empire and sometimes as an individual entity; perhaps both are true. Plural. This squares well with the fact that we are told in Revelation 12:3 that Satan has ten horns. Invariably in Greek Apocrypha and usually in the New Testament for sperma, but Mark 4:26,27; Luke 8:5,11; 2 Corinthians 9:10 for sporos, and 1 Peter 1:23 for spora): (1) For "seed" in its literal sense see AGRICULTURE. Usually, however, it means the whole posterity (Genesis 3:15, etc. v15 Also, not to have the freedom to spend there own money. Readers will not read it. Rev 14:6-12;18:4,5. Lastly, we note that the four empires in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream are parallel to those in Daniel chapter 7. The same Hebrew root (arab ערב) is used in five other passages in Scripture. But for the grace of God, long ago man would have been removed from the face of the earth because of … The Seed will bring humanity back to its intended position on Eden Mountain, with full access to the tree of life and direct fellowship with God. In fact, Daniel is clear in his language that he is referring to kingdoms. One thing I thought of , when you spoke about the beast being a single person or an entity….Think about the church, the BODY of Christ. }@font-face { Is silicon considered a ceramic? This is absolutely the truth, it witnesses to my spirit. "Entry for 'SEED'". It can’t be ruled out as a possibility, but however, I think you could argue that the ceramic age has been with us a lot longer than just recently. Have you considered that these are ages also? Besides, this view is backed up by other passages in genesis, Jude, and circumstantially in other passages. IDK its just one scenario that I have thought of. They infiltrated our world with hybrids that do their bidding for 16 And if any man’s seed of copulation go out from him, then he shall wash all his flesh in water, and be unclean until the even. There is a map and information on these “trade unions” at the web-site, Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. For a man it is the twenty-three chromosomes contained in the sperm and for a woman it is the twenty-three chromosomes contained in the ovum. Therefore, their type must be something other than the seed of men. Let us pray that we will not be part of those that join Satan after the 1000 years that try to take the the beloved city of God with the saints in it by force. At least part of the time the beast must refer to an individual entity because he is eventually thrown into the lake of fire along with the false prophet (Revelation 19:20). The clay (= the seed of men) mixes with iron (="they"). Then he said, “Do you know why I have come to you? Though hand be in hand, an evil man shall not be innocent; but the seed of just men shall be saved. Throwing an empire into the lake of fire appears to be impossible in that an empire is not a living entity, but is a collection of individuals performing the wishes of the leader. hard wired to these demonic entities that possess them in various ways. The Judah Jews worshipped Yahweh Ildabaoth I would suggest that it is a religious power and a corrupt one at that, because it is miry. Of interest is the method of measuring land by means of the amount of seed that could be sown on it (Leviticus 27:16). DNA Discoverer Thinks So! "seed yielding men"). What do we do with this language? It has been nearly two thousand years since John received the Revelation from Jesus on the island of Patmos. and appearance. Stay prayed up, its coming fast. For modern purposes it is probably best to treat such an exegetical method as belonging simply to the (now superseded) science of the times. From heaven He sends two kinds of seed that are His primary tools to bring about a harvest of souls on earth. The demonic Evil “sons of Satan “come out after dark” and “play in the shadows. King James Bible. Jesus (Yashua) knick named the Grays Scorpions Rather than a “10 Nation European-Revived Roman Empire”which has been the ‘traditional’ explanation of this Beast Kingdom, it would seem that this a “10 Member World Kingdom”, as the Beast is described as ruling all “tongues and nations”: “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues and nations. But after you shall arise another kingdom inferior to yours; then another, a third kingdom of bronze, which shall rule over all the earth. Bible commentators Keil and Delitzsch note the meaning of the mixing of iron and clay in Daniel 2:43: “The mixing of iron with clay represents the attempt to bind the two distinct and separate materials into one combined whole as fruitless, and altogether in vain,” (K&D, Daniel 2:43). Therefore “they” are the ones doing the action, but they are also doing it to themselves. "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". Man or Satan. We have been “divided” on this subject and the opposition is growing. What does it mean to mingle with the seed of men? incarnate in flesh and blood bodies so they create hybrids by abducting woman I say this because Islam fits the description of the beast in Rev 13/16 … causing those who do not worship Allah to receive a mark upon their hand or forehead, and causing those who are forced to convert to Islam to pay a tax, and if they do not convert, they are beheaded. There are literally dozens of places in the Bible where this false idea has been wedged in, yet every single one requires a person to believe in the serpent-seed idea beforehand. The Hebrew word translated “seed” is in the masculine gender and seed comes from a man. That immediately sets the mind thinking of talents, and not pieces of gold. An important clue to understanding this phrase is to understand what is being mixed. }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: “Times New Roman”; }table.MsoNormalTable { font-size: 10pt; font-family: “Times New Roman”; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }. May I posit that the use of the words “seed of men” may not reference procreation? For a man it is the twenty-three chromosomes contained in the sperm and for a woman it is the twenty-three chromosomes contained in the ovum. (2) For the transferred physiological application of the word to human beings (Leviticus 15:16, etc.) Therefore, the ten toes of Daniel 2:43 are identical to the ten horns in Daniel 7:7 (and Revelation 13:1) and from Revelation 17:12 we learn that the horns are kings. He hates all Darkness and evil. He then mentions that he must also fight against the prince of Greece. But in the case of the Messiah, to whom the phrase refers, no man was involved, only a woman. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed together […] And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth […] you are this head of gold, (Daniel 2:32-35). Jeremiah 31:27 uses "seed of man" and "seed of beast" as a figure for the means by which God will increase the prosperity of Israel (i.e. When God asked the woman why she had done what she did, she blamed the serpent. Yah!. The weeds are the people who belong to the Evil One. 世上真的曾出現過巨人嗎(四)? | 末世先鋒 - Kingdom For Jesus, Vermenging met het zaad van de mens | Weeswaakzaam, Could Implantable Drug-Releasing Microchips Be Used in Conjunction with the Mark of the Beast? I typed that on a phone. The “mixing of seed”, White, Hebrew, Israelite, god’s Chosen people with Ishamaelites, bastard son, Ishmael, of Abraham and , heathen, “mixed seed”, “dog”, Matt 15:26, mongrels, “bastards” witl father of “legal-ism” dispised by Christ instead of having a Moral, Lawful Father of the only Almighty Law giver. We could potentially be destroying ourselves. Satan has attacked, but God still has a remnant. conflict between the man and the ground, which is cursed for man’s sin. they are all puppets of Lucifer and Humanity is about to be put to a huge test. Coming back to our key verse of Daniel 2:43, we deduce that “they” should not to mix themselves with seed of a different type. see CLEAN; UNCLEANNESS. The Holy Bible does identify those children by name (Matthew 13:55, Mark 6:3, 15 ... a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will. Everything else is Political Correct, Lies, Theft and Murder,” of “men”, “mixed seed’ , of Corruption, Destruction, Chaos, of PC Lawlessness. So, Why Did Jesus Have to Die? I would like to posit this, because the scripture, if it was referring to procreative activities, would have stated that the kings would “mingle their seed with the children of men.” Can you see the small but crucial difference? [ No such critter as a “jew”, until put into Play by an English Play write in 1750, then into the Rheim NT Bible in 1780. The prohibition against using two kinds of seed in the same field (Leviticus 19:19; Deuteronomy 22:9) undoubtedly rests on the fact that the practice had some connection with Canaanitish worship, making the whole crop "consecrated" (taboo). Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast. You start with Daniel saying 10 kings will rule, which is unambiguous – he’s talking to a king about kingdoms, he must be referring to kings. Love, The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. For instance, the use of the word “talents” in Christ’s parable of the ten talents (Matt 25:14-30). Therefore to say “they will mingle with the seed of men” must mean that “they” are not themselves of the seed of men, which is to say that “they” are not human. Please note that there is a corrupt religious power called the beast in the last days which appears like a lamb but speaks a dragon. When it does it will be partly strong like iron and partly weak like clay. And the enemy who planted the bad seed is the devil. Note the following verses: We see that the ten toes are the ten horns, which are the ten kings – and these ten kings are demon kings and not specifically human (though human rulers are probably controlled by them). }@font-face { He forbids the intergration of His Chosen White Israelites with the Heathen, Pagan of darkness and evil.” Do what? This is a very thoughtful and provocative article. Pingback: 世上真的曾出現過巨人嗎(四)? | 末世先鋒 - Kingdom For Jesus, Pingback: Vermenging met het zaad van de mens | Weeswaakzaam, Pingback: Could Implantable Drug-Releasing Microchips Be Used in Conjunction with the Mark of the Beast? It seems so evil to me and recently there have been many attempts by many men with financial interests to make vaccines mandatory to all. God vowed to put enmity between the two. ), and "Abraham's seed" (2 Chronicles 20:7, etc.) 3. Ildabaoth the Demiurge, who Jesus (Yashua) described as a lion-faced reptilian The King carried the Jewish people away in three waves of deportation to Babylon, beginning in 606, then 597 and finally 586 BC, when he also destroyed the city of Jerusalem. Catholic-ism, Judah-ism, Mormon-ism, social-ism, PC-ism, JW-ism, Gnostic-ism, Mason-ism, Liberal-ism, Athe-ism, Satan-ism, Demon-ism of Satan the devil. Noah, according to the Bible is just and perfect in his generations. 17:12), as you said;  it is interesting to see that the world has already been divided into “10 Economic Regions”: #4) Rest of the Developed Market Economies (including Australia and Israel), #6) Latin America (originally Mexico belonged to this “kingdom”/region), #7) North Africa & Middle East (except for Israel), #10) Centrally Planned Asia (Mongolia; China; North Korea; North Vietnam (But now, probably, both North & South Vietnam). Therefore “these kings” who “mingle with the seed of men” in Daniel 2 are in fact of the angelic order; the fact that they are destroyed proves that they are not good angels but are fallen angels. “the devil is a ;liar. This continues to be the predominant philosophy behind any modern monarchy – the king is appointed by God to rule. 2 came before Dan. This portion of Daniel (Daniel 2:4b-7:28) was written in Aramaic because of the direct communication to Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar and their visions (with the vision of chapter seven happening during Belshazzar’s reign). So, just as Jesus predicted, the days of His return would be like the days of Noah. Therefore, the children thus produced were then considered the original late husband’s descendants and would be raised as such. by many names such as the ‘Gods of Eden,”  “El”, the “Master,” the “Elohim” etc. From this point on, Genesis depicts two lines of “seed” engaged in holy war. A few notable Bible verses ; Genesis 4:3 – And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. Ever since the fall in the Garden and in a manner similar to the virgin birth of Jesus, Satan has been trying to find a way for “his seed” to become a reality. The contrast is made between the seed of men and the seed of beasts (animals), being two distinct kinds. skies. The Seed of the Woman is the Bible’s earliest messianic term. (No one upholds me against these, except Michael your prince [sar שַׂ֣ר]), (Daniel 10:21). I cannot, however, leave the page without asking the author a few questions. “ALL Darkness is Evil.” he is not speaking of the sky after sundown. The basic usage is reflexive which means that the subject is also the object, for example: “I dress myself” is where “I”, the subject, do the action (dress) and “I” also receive the action of the verb (being dressed). The book of Revelation states that the kingdom of the “Beast” will be ruled by 10 kings “…the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. in Aliens and Extraterrestrials, Angels and Aliens, Corrupting the Image, Sons of God This book is written in the faith that a remnant of the Covenant Family of Christian people will see the light of Genesis 3:15. We are at war, with spirit world. What God actually did was that He imaged Himself in man. We have explored the seed already throughout the Bible and seen that seed is referring to the genetic information contained in the gametes of both men and women. And yet this man, Cain, was actually of the evil one … Though there is a slight grammatical difference between the Hebrew hitpael and Aramaic hitpaal, the root word, nevertheless, is exactly the same in both languages. In Daniel’s day, and following, the ruler was a demi-god if not a god outright. v17 There is a warning from God to His people not to be involved with this beast in Rev 14. Those hybrids are We are in the iron/ceramic age…the strength of iron…with the dependance [weakness] of the ceramic computer chip age….hmmmmm. The next usage of the word “mingle” is in Ezra 9:2. Are the Thousand Years in Revelation 20 Literal? Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. The clay implies a different power because it is not metal. So too the last days will be marked by the coming of these Nephilim. The Roman Empire is described in amazing precision by noting that it would become two legs. This “Mixed Seed”. Click here for a list of his most popular presentations. God. When read the way I posit, Daniel is not referring to intermingling of demonic and human gametes. 160 years after the printing of the first 1611 KJV,,,, which had no “jew” in it. ] refer to today as the “Nordic Aryan Alien “Fallen Elohim Watchers.”  In Old Testament times they were known and it would seem that the New World Order is working overtime to destroy the sovereignty of all governments worldwide. 24 Comments. The words in your Bible may look lifeless and powerless. And now I must return to fight with the prince [sar שַׂ֣ר] of Persia; and when I have gone forth, indeed the prince [sar שַׂ֣ר] of Greece will come. Not PC. It’s interesting that when Adam sinned he blamed the woman but also blamed God because God gave her to him. The unique part of the promise is that seed in Hebrew is normally equivalent with semen, which a man contributes toward a pregnancy. human DNA and Other DNA. Jeremiah 31:27 uses "seed of man" and "seed of beast" as a figure for the means by which God will increase the prosperity of Israel (i.e. Rev 17:13 and this union will war against the Lamb (God and HIs people)v14. From this general sense there developed a still looser use of "seed" as meaning simply "men" (Malachi 2:15; Isaiah 1:4; 57:4; Wisdom of Solomon 10:15; 12:11, etc.). God sees the wickedness of man and in order to preserve the seed, God sends a flood. God used Daniel to interpret King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, which was in fact a vision of the future kingdoms of the world. We have explored the seed already throughout the Bible and seen that seed is referring to the genetic information contained in the gametes of both men and women. *Also available in Spanish! And whether or not is demon=king, king=demons it doesnt matter! One night King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream about a massive statue of a man made of different materials. 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